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only invisibility doesnt work skript help!


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on tool change:
	if player's tool = spyglass named "&4&lSpying Blade":
	apply invisibility without any particles to the player for 100000 seconds
on tool change:
	if old tool = spyglass named "&4&lSpying Blade":
	remove invisibility from player's active potion effects
on sneak toggle:	
	if player's tool = spyglass named "&4&lSpying Blade":
	if player is not sneaking:
		apply speed of tier 20 without particles to player for 999999999999999999 minutes
	if player is sneaking:
		remove speed from player's active potion effects


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Hey, i little bit changed your spacing in skript, but when i tested on my server everything seemed to work as it should, it gave me the invisibility without particles, so maybe update your skript?
Try this with the correct spacing and tell me. If you want, add me on discord: danrub

on tool change:
    if player's tool is spyglass named "&4&lSpying Blade":
        apply invisibility without any particles to the player for 100000 seconds
on tool change:
    if old tool is spyglass named "&4&lSpying Blade":
        remove invisibility from player's active potion effects
on sneak toggle:	
    if player's tool is spyglass named "&4&lSpying Blade":
        if player is not sneaking:
            apply speed of tier 20 without particles to player for 999999999999999999 minutes
    if player is sneaking:
        remove speed from player's active potion effects
Edited by DanRub
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on tool change:
	if player's tool is spyglass named "&4&lSpying Blade":
		apply potion of invisibility without any particles to the player for 100000 seconds
on tool change:
	if player's tool is not spyglass named "&4&lSpying Blade":
		remove invisibility from player's active potion effects
on sneak toggle:	
	if player's tool is spyglass named "&4&lSpying Blade":
		if player is not sneaking:
			apply speed of tier 20 without particles to player for 999999999999999999 minutes
		else if player is sneaking:
			remove speed from player's active potion effects

Try this

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