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Minehut has a huge chat problem...


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I didn't want to come back to the forums over 3 months later just to criticize Minehut and the way they moderate their player base, but after owning Lifestealed for 3 months you begin to see how badly you need a chat moderation plugin for your server.

I record all punishments on my server. For the 44,000 unique players who have joined since 7/22/2022, 1,158 players were muted. I can safely say that of those 1,158 players, approximately 40-50% of those players were muted for derogatory language (the main one being the hard ER word). doing the math of approximately 100 days since server release, 400 to 500 players muted for language, that's about 4.5 players muted for the hard ER PER DAY.

Now before anyone replies saying "just get a chat filter.", I'm fully aware of this. And I do plan on getting one soon, but that's not the reason why I'm complaining. I'm complaining about Minehut's failure to moderate chat messages for things like this. I get it's not Minehut's specific job to do this, and more of the owner and their moderator's job, but the fact that they can't be GLOBALLY muted off of Minehut's platform, or at least in the lobby, greatly concerns not only me, but most server owners.

The point is that people can jump from server to server with ease and say these things without being punished by Minehut. I'm going to offer suggestions about how Minehut can resolve this issue later, but this isn't the only issue, though it is the main issue.

About a month or two ago I purchased VIP rank for my bedrock account to advertise my server more. Shortly later, Minehut changes the way their lobby chat works, so that you must be on the latest version of Minecraft to be able to chat. Because of this, no bedrock players can advertise or even CHAT in the minehut lobby. This is basically Minehut scamming users who purchased ranks on bedrock accounts, as that's the only useful thing with ranks. Particles aren't why people buy ranks, it's the ability to get your server more visibility.

I contacted admins about why bedrock players won't be allowed to chat in lobbies anymore, and I don't remember exactly what they said, but what they DID say was that they can't fix this, or even let bedrock players bypass the new chat restrictions. If this is so, why not give bedrock accounts the ability to easily refund their rank for credits instead of waiting days for support to contact you back.

Back to the main reason why I decided to rant on forums like a 9-year-old, there ARE ways Minehut can actually do something about the derogatory language. It's not going to be anything like "make chat filters automatically download as a plugin". No, it's going to be something that I believe Minehut can actually do.

My main idea is to make an official Minehut plugin, like they did with cosmetics. The point of the plugin would be similar to Microsoft's bad chat reporting, but better. You would be able to report a player (maybe with /minehutreport) and give a description of what rule they broke. Knowing the player base, users would spam this, so there should be a cooldown or a punishment for too many false reports. It would send the moderators the last 20 or so messages the server received and send it to the mod team. But what's different, is that it wouldn't send any modified messages, say prefixes. Instead, it would grab exactly what the client sent (i.e. "[AgentGamerPro]: You smell weird"). This may not be the best idea, but it's the best I can come up with at the moment.


tl;dr Minehut needs a way to moderate global chat, not just on their lobbies, but on servers as well, as players can get away with punishment with ease. They also need to fix bedrock players not being able to chat OR give an easy way to refund them at the least.




Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

OG [VIP] 12/26/20 - 10/27/2021
OG [PRO] 12/27/21 - 11/18/2022
OG [LEGEND] 11/18/2022 - 3/14/2023
[DEFAULT] 3/14/2023 - 5/8/2024

[MOD] 5/8/2024 - Present


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2 hours ago, AgentGamerPro said:

I didn't want to come back to the forums over 3 months later just to criticize Minehut and the way they moderate their player base, but after owning Lifestealed for 3 months you begin to see how badly you need a chat moderation plugin for your server.

I record all punishments on my server. For the 44,000 unique players who have joined since 7/22/2022, 1,158 players were muted. I can safely say that of those 1,158 players, approximately 40-50% of those players were muted for derogatory language (the main one being the hard ER word). doing the math of approximately 100 days since server release, 400 to 500 players muted for language, that's about 4.5 players muted for the hard ER PER DAY.

Now before anyone replies saying "just get a chat filter.", I'm fully aware of this. And I do plan on getting one soon, but that's not the reason why I'm complaining. I'm complaining about Minehut's failure to moderate chat messages for things like this. I get it's not Minehut's specific job to do this, and more of the owner and their moderator's job, but the fact that they can't be GLOBALLY muted off of Minehut's platform, or at least in the lobby, greatly concerns not only me, but most server owners.

The point is that people can jump from server to server with ease and say these things without being punished by Minehut. I'm going to offer suggestions about how Minehut can resolve this issue later, but this isn't the only issue, though it is the main issue.

About a month or two ago I purchased VIP rank for my bedrock account to advertise my server more. Shortly later, Minehut changes the way their lobby chat works, so that you must be on the latest version of Minecraft to be able to chat. Because of this, no bedrock players can advertise or even CHAT in the minehut lobby. This is basically Minehut scamming users who purchased ranks on bedrock accounts, as that's the only useful thing with ranks. Particles aren't why people buy ranks, it's the ability to get your server more visibility.

I contacted admins about why bedrock players won't be allowed to chat in lobbies anymore, and I don't remember exactly what they said, but what they DID say was that they can't fix this, or even let bedrock players bypass the new chat restrictions. If this is so, why not give bedrock accounts the ability to easily refund their rank for credits instead of waiting days for support to contact you back.

Back to the main reason why I decided to rant on forums like a 9-year-old, there ARE ways Minehut can actually do something about the derogatory language. It's not going to be anything like "make chat filters automatically download as a plugin". No, it's going to be something that I believe Minehut can actually do.

My main idea is to make an official Minehut plugin, like they did with cosmetics. The point of the plugin would be similar to Microsoft's bad chat reporting, but better. You would be able to report a player (maybe with /minehutreport) and give a description of what rule they broke. Knowing the player base, users would spam this, so there should be a cooldown or a punishment for too many false reports. It would send the moderators the last 20 or so messages the server received and send it to the mod team. But what's different, is that it wouldn't send any modified messages, say prefixes. Instead, it would grab exactly what the client sent (i.e. "[AgentGamerPro]: You smell weird"). This may not be the best idea, but it's the best I can come up with at the moment.


tl;dr Minehut needs a way to moderate global chat, not just on their lobbies, but on servers as well, as players can get away with punishment with ease. They also need to fix bedrock players not being able to chat OR give an easy way to refund them at the least.

Yes criticize minehut they suck

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IGN - ES63

Rank - Pro


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RascalPVP - Owner

RandKits - Owner

DoodySim - Owner



do that ^^^^

i will heart back (i promise)


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Minehut does moderate global chat for things like discrimination and slurs. You just need to report them. And having an in game report system like that won't really be easy to view or use for them.

And a plugin like that would need to be on the poxy because if its on the server, people could easily just fake stuff or decompile it and send random stuff to their API. 

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


[VIP] - 7/27/2020

Community Support - 7/8/20 | 11/3/20

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❤️ - 5/17/21 - now

Moderator - 12/20/22 - now



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23 minutes ago, ES63 said:

Yes criticize minehut they suck


7 minutes ago, _Tarna_ said:

And a plugin like that would need to be on the poxy because if its on the server, people could easily just fake stuff or decompile it and send random stuff to their API. 


7 minutes ago, _Tarna_ said:

Minehut does moderate global chat for things like discrimination and slurs.

if this is the case then ive ever actually seen anything happen




Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

OG [VIP] 12/26/20 - 10/27/2021
OG [PRO] 12/27/21 - 11/18/2022
OG [LEGEND] 11/18/2022 - 3/14/2023
[DEFAULT] 3/14/2023 - 5/8/2024

[MOD] 5/8/2024 - Present


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