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scores not working

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so basicly im making a script but for some reason it thinks this one score is always 1 NO MATTER WHAT. even when i change the score it doesnt work.


command /spawn:
        execute console command "/scoreboard players set @a[scores={arena=0}] arena 1"
        set {nether.spawn} to location(-83.5, 97, -17.5, world "world", 0, 0)
        set {overworld.spawn} to location(-83.5, 87, 99.5, world "world", -90, 0)
        if {arena.%player%} is 1:
            teleport player to {overworld.spawn}
            if {arena.%player%} is 2:
                teleport player to {nether.spawn}




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4 hours ago, BaconBoy1243 said:

so basicly im making a script but for some reason it thinks this one score is always 1 NO MATTER WHAT. even when i change the score it doesnt work.


command /spawn:
        execute console command "/scoreboard players set @a[scores={arena=0}] arena 1"
        set {nether.spawn} to location(-83.5, 97, -17.5, world "world", 0, 0)
        set {overworld.spawn} to location(-83.5, 87, 99.5, world "world", -90, 0)
        if {arena.%player%} is 1:
            teleport player to {overworld.spawn}
            if {arena.%player%} is 2:
                teleport player to {nether.spawn}




Variables and scores are not the same. Use 'set <variable> to <value>' instead.




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