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Hi I would like to get something like weaken.life afk zone

I kinda tried myself but could not figure it out 

here is more abt it:

i have afk region called afk and i want that when someone is afk for 10 minutes he / she will get a afk key (crates givekey %Player% afk 1)

If anyone could help me I would appreciate it 


    region: afk
    # the region where players can get keys (must have worldguard)

every 5 minutes:
    loop all players where [region at input is {@region}]:
        make console execute command "givekey %loop-player% bigcrate key 1" # change command if you wish


this doesnt work for me



Perhaps you can try something like this:

  region: afk

every 5 minutes:
  loop all players
  if "%region at loop-player%" is "%{@region}%":
    make console execute command "givekey %loop-player% bigcrate key 1" # change command if you wish

I am not sure if this will work, but I am basing it off of this code which is in the skriphub.net documentation:

on right click on stone button:
  if "%region at player%" is "spawn in world lobby":
    send action bar "&eTeleporting.." to player
    teleport player to {game.start}

Let me know if this works!


  • Thanks 1

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