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8 hours ago, BOXEY said:

a gui to get dyed leather armor


  # This will show up on error messages
  # change whats in the quotations to your wanted prefix
  prefix: "&4&l[!]"

  # This will change the permission of the command
  # change whats in the quotations to your required permission
  perm: "dye.command"

  # This will change the message someone gets shown if they do the command without the given permission
  # change whats in the quotations to your wanted message
  permmsg: "&4&lYou Do Not Have The Required Permission For This Command."

  # This will change the message shown when armor is dyed.
  # change whats in the quotations to your wanted success message
  sucsmsg: "&2&lSuccess! Dyed Your Armor."

  # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# begin gui
command /dye:
  permission: {@perm} 
  permission message: {@permmsg}
    if player's held item is leather armour:     
      set (metadata "dye" of player) to chest inventory with 6 rows named "&5Dye"
      set slot integers between 0 and 53 of (metadata "dye" of player) to gray stained glass pane named "&7"
      set slot 10 of (metadata "dye" of player) to white dye named "&f&lWhite" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fWhite"
      set slot 11 of (metadata "dye" of player) to red dye named "&c&lRed" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fRed"
      set slot 12 of (metadata "dye" of player) to orange dye named "&6&lOrange" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fOrange"
      set slot 13 of (metadata "dye" of player) to yellow dye named "&e&lYellow" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fYellow"
      set slot 14 of (metadata "dye" of player) to lime dye named "&a&lLime" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fLime"
      set slot 15 of (metadata "dye" of player) to green dye named "&2&lGreen" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fGreen" 
      set slot 16 of (metadata "dye" of player) to light blue dye named "&b&lLight Blue" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fLight Blue"
      set slot 19 of (metadata "dye" of player) to cyan dye named "&3&lCyan" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fCyan"
      set slot 20 of (metadata "dye" of player) to blue dye named "&9&lBlue" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fBlue"
      set slot 21 of (metadata "dye" of player) to pink dye named "&d&lPink" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fPink"
      set slot 22 of (metadata "dye" of player) to magenta dye named "&d&lMagenta" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fMagenta"
      set slot 23 of (metadata "dye" of player) to purple dye named "&5&lPurple" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fPurple"
      set slot 24 of (metadata "dye" of player) to gray dye named "&8&lGray" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fGray"
      set slot 25 of (metadata "dye" of player) to light gray dye named "&7&lLight Gray" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fLight Gray"
      set slot 28 of (metadata "dye" of player) to black dye named "&0&lBlack" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fBlack"
      set slot 40 of (metadata "dye" of player) to barrier named "&4&lRESET COLOR" with lore "", "&7Click To &fRESET &7The Color", "&7Of Your Armor."
      open (metadata "dye" of player) to player


      send "&4&l%{@prefix}% >> You Must Be Holding A Leather Armor To Use This Command."
# end gui

# begin functioning
on inventory click:
  if event-inventory = (metadata "dye" of player):
    cancel event
    if index of event-slot is 10:

      # WHITE DYE
      dye player's held item white
      close player's inventory
      send {@sucsmsg} to player

    if index of event-slot is 11:

      # RED DYE
      dye player's held item red
      close player's inventory
      send {@sucsmsg} to player

    if index of event-slot is 12:

      # ORANGE DYE
      dye player's held item orange
      close player's inventory
      send {@sucsmsg} to player

    if index of event-slot is 13:

      # YELLOW DYE
      dye player's held item yellow
      close player's inventory
      send {@sucsmsg} to player

    if index of event-slot is 14:

      # LIME DYE
      dye player's held item lime
      close player's inventory
      send {@sucsmsg} to player

    if index of event-slot is 15:

      # GREEN DYE
      dye player's held item green
      close player's inventory
      send {@sucsmsg} to player

    if index of event-slot is 16:

      dye player's held item light blue
      close player's inventory
      send {@sucsmsg} to player

    if index of event-slot is 19:

      # CYAN DYE
      dye player's held item cyan
      close player's inventory
      send {@sucsmsg} to player

    if index of event-slot is 20:

      # BLUE DYE
      dye player's held item blue
      close player's inventory
      send {@sucsmsg} to player

    if index of event-slot is 21:

      # PINK DYE
      dye player's held item pink
      close player's inventory
      send {@sucsmsg} to player

    if index of event-slot is 22:

      dye player's held item magenta
      close player's inventory
      send {@sucsmsg} to player

    if index of event-slot is 23:

      # PURPLE DYE
      dye player's held item purple
      close player's inventory
      send {@sucsmsg} to player

    if index of event-slot is 24:

      # GRAY DYE
      dye player's held item gray
      close player's inventory
      send {@sucsmsg} to player

    if index of event-slot is 25:

      dye player's held item light gray
      close player's inventory
      send {@sucsmsg} to player

    if index of event-slot is 28:

      # BLACK DYE
      dye player's held item black
      close player's inventory
      send {@sucsmsg} to player

    if index of event-slot is 40:

      dye player's held item brown
      close player's inventory
      send {@sucsmsg} to player

# ----------- #
# Made By Disvand
# ----------- #

Here Ya Go 😄
Theres options at the top, change permission messages and stuff like that
dont need to leave in the made by disvand part, no need to give credit 🙂

@Punishdoing yours next, should only take me a few minutes, maybe 🙂


Vip: 20/12/2021

Skript is fun, I am currently working on SkChat and making stuff for market rank!




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On 2/5/2022 at 10:22 AM, Disvand said:

send skripts, i answer with skript, you know the deal

I want a skript that is for bounty hunting but only applies to griefers. if the person finds out they got griefed by <griefer>

format of skript:

/bountyhunt <griefer> <amount of ingame currency>

and i need a skript for currency the skript is a npc that you trade ingame money to for crate keys. skript format: /summon keytrader (coordinates)

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