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SkChat v1.1 release!


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SkChat v1.0 only had a chat filter. The permissions were broken and it was a mess. That's why I spent a few hours of my time on v1.1! I've added /skchat help to get help with the commands! The help message will also be in the picture below. I've added a chat cooldown command, anti-link chat and an anti-caps command! They are fully customisable to whatever you want!

/skslowchat time/cancel [seconds]

To change the chat cooldown you can type the command /skslowchat time/cancel [seconds]. If you want to add a time to the cooldown, you have to add "seconds" after the time you put. /skslowchat cancel cancels the cooldown so there is no more. 

/skanticaps <number>

To change the caps limit, you can type /skanticaps <number of caps>. If you want the caps limit to be 9 for example, you do /skanticaps 9 and it will show up a message saying you changed it! In version v1.2, ill add a way to remove the caps limit.

/skantilink <on/off>

To turn the anti-link feature on or off, you can type /skantilink <on/off>. The anti-link feature checks if someone sent a message with "https" or "com" in it. It will cancel the message and send the staff what the person tried to send and then the staff can take action on the person.

This is the skript:

on chat:
	if player does not have permission "skchat.staff":
		loop {skchat::*}:
			if message contains loop-value:
				cancel event
				send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fYou cannot say that word!"
				send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &b%player% &fHas just said a word that is in the chat filter. &7%player%: %message%" to all players where [input has permission "skchat"]

command /skchat [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  permission: skchat.admin
  permission message: "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fYou do not have permission for that command!"
    if arg-1 is "add":
      if arg-2 is set:
        if {skchat::*} does not contain arg-2:
          add arg-2 to {skchat::*}
          send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l|&f Added &b%arg-2% &fto the chat filter."
          send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l|&f That word is already added to the chat filter!"
        send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l|&f Usage: /skchat add&b/&fremove&b/&flist&b/&fhelp &b[&fword&b]"
    if arg-1 is "remove":
      if arg-2 is set:
        if {skchat::*} contains arg-2:
          remove arg-2 from {skchat::*}
          send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fRemoved &b%arg-2% &ffrom the chat filter."
          send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fThat word is not in the chat filter!"
        send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l|&f Usage: /skchat add&b/&fremove&b/&flist&b/&fhelp &b[&fword&b]"
    if arg-1 is "list":
      send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fThe words added to the chat filter are: &b%{skchat::*}%"
    if arg-1 is "help":
      send "&b-----------------------------------------------"
      send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&lv1.1"
      send "&fMade By Disvand 0001"
      send "&fNew Updates On Minehut Forum Skript Releases"
      send ""
      send "&b/&f = or, &b[]&f = optional&b/&fnot needed, &b<>&f = needed"
      send "&bChatFilter Usage:"
      send "&b/&fskchat add&b/&fremove&b/&flist&b/&fhelp &b[<&fword&b>]&f"
      send ""
      send "&bSlowChat Usage:"
      send "&b/&fskslowchat time&b/&fcancel &b[<&fseconds&b>]&f"
      send "&fType &b/&fskchat help &b2&f to go to the next help page."
      send "&b-----------------------------------------------"
    if arg-1 is "help":
      if arg-2 is "2":
        send "&b-----------------------------------------------"
        send "&b/&f = or, &b[]&f = optional&b/&fnot needed, &b<>&f = needed"
        send "&bAnti-Caps Usage:"
        send "&b/&fskcapslimit &b<&fhow many caps are max allowed&b>&f"
        send ""
        send "&bAnti-Link Usage:"
        send "&b/&fskantilink off&b/&fon"
        send "&b-----------------------------------------------"

command /skslowchat <text>:
    permission: skchat.admin
    permission message: "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fYou do not have permission for that command!"
        if arg-1 is "cancel":
            delete {cooldown}
            broadcast "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fChat cooldown has been removed."
            if arg-1 parsed as timespan is set:
                set {cooldown} to arg-1 parsed as timespan
                broadcast "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fGlobal Chat has been slowed down to &b%arg-1%&f."
                send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fUsage: /skslowchat cancel&b/&ftime &b[<&fseconds&b>]&f."
on chat:
  if player does not have permission "slowchat.staff":
    if difference between (metadata "cooldown" of player) and now < {cooldown}:
      cancel event
      send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fWait &b%difference between (metadata "cooldown" of player) and {cooldown} ago% &fto send another message!"
      set metadata "cooldown" of player to now

command /skcapslimit <integer>:
  permission: skchat.admin
  permission message: "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fYou do not have permission for that command!"
    if arg-1 is set:
      set {capslimit} to arg-1
      broadcast "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fThe global caps limit has been set to &b%arg-1%&f."
      send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fUsage: /skcapslimit number&b/&fcancel."
on chat:
  if player does not have permission "skcaps.staff":
    set {caps} to size of (regex split message by "[A-Z]") - 1
    if {caps} >= {capslimit}:
      cancel event
      send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fDo not use that much caps!"
      send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &b%player% &fHas just used more than %{capslimit}% capital letters in their message. &7%player%: %message%" to all players where [input has permission "skchat"]

command /skantilink <text>:
  permission: skchat.admin
  permission message: "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fYou do not have permission for that command!"
    if {skantilink} is not set:
      set {skantilink} to false
    if arg-1 is "off":
      if {skantilink} is true:
        set {skantilink} to false
        delete {sklink::*}
        broadcast "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fSkChat Anti-link has been turned off."
        send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fSkChat Anti-link is already turned off!"
    if arg-1 is "on":
      if {skantilink} is false:
        set {skantilink} to true
        set {sklink::*} to "https" and "com"
        broadcast "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fSkChat Anti-link has been turned on."
        send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fSkChat Anti-link is already turned on!"
on chat:
  if {skantilink} is true:
    loop {sklink::*}:
      if message contains loop-value:
        cancel event
        send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &fYou are not allowed to send links!"
        send "&b&lSk&f&lChat &b&l| &b%player% &fHas just tried to send a link. &7%player%: %message%" to all players where [input has permission "skchat"]

Enjoy making your server and happy Christmas to all!  

If there is anything wrong, or want to suggest stuff for v1.2, reply in the comments or send me a DM at Disvand#0001 on discord!



Edited by Disvand
Wrong Version
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Vip: 20/12/2021

Skript is fun, I am currently working on SkChat and making stuff for market rank!




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On 1/23/2022 at 12:03 AM, Disvand said:

dont necropost

Necroposting doesn't work on Script Release, Community FAQs and some others...



by the way, amazing skript

Edited by Punish

Every time you tell a lie, You'll have to tell a 100 more.

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