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Staff Chat + Clear Chat (Simple + Efficient)

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command clearchat:
    description: Clear chat for all players
    aliases: cc
    permission: cc.clear
        loop 300 times:
            broadcast " "
        broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------"
        broadcast "&b&lChat has been cleared by %player%!"
        broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------"
command staffchat [<text>]:
    aliases: sc
        if player has permission "staffchat.use":
            if arg-1 is not set:
                send "&a&fUse: &c&l/staffchat&f (message)"
            if arg-1 is set:
                loop all players:
                    loop-player has permission "staffchat.view":
                        send "&8[&bSC&8] &6%player%&8: &f%{_msg}%" to loop-players
            send "&cYou don't have permissions" to player


Main account for Zones RPG.
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This is great! Only thing is that lunar bypasses clearchat (you can just scroll up to see what was in chat before it was cleared) and on lunar and other clients if stacked messages are enabled, it will just say

"                                                      x300" and previous messages will still be there.

I also agree with the staffchat toggle thing, as it can get annoying to always type /staffchat. There is no fix to my knowledge about the lunar thing



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16 hours ago, PureEditsOYT said:
command clearchat:
    description: Clear chat for all players
    aliases: cc
    permission: cc.clear
        loop 300 times:
            broadcast " "
        broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------"
        broadcast "&b&lChat has been cleared by %player%!"
        broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------"
command staffchat [<text>]:
    aliases: sc
        if player has permission "staffchat.use":
            if arg-1 is not set:
                send "&a&fUse: &c&l/staffchat&f (message)"
            if arg-1 is set:
                loop all players:
                    loop-player has permission "staffchat.view":
                        send "&8[&bSC&8] &6%player%&8: &f%{_msg}%" to loop-players
            send "&cYou don't have permissions" to player

the clearchat command will spam console, instead you should use 'send " " to all players'




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