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Change Saturation Amount


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Change Saturation Amount!


Hello! I'll get To the Point! I Made a Custom Player Head, And i Was Wondering if there's a way to make it so When you Right Click the Player Head, Your Saturation INSTANTLY Fills up.


Thanks A Million!


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9 minutes ago, Lapzzo said:

Whats the name of the head?

You just need to set the NBT data of the head to what they specified.



Joined Minecraft in 2010 on PC

Joined Minehut in August 2016

1 year Skript experience

2 months Java experience

5 months Javascript experience


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11 minutes ago, Lapzzo said:

Whats the name of the head?

Ill just Give you the Command Im using


/give @p player_head{display:{Name:'[{"text":"G","color":"#FF6208","italic":false},{"text":"e","color":"#FF760D","italic":false},{"text":"m ","color":"#FF8112","italic":false},{"text":"B","color":"#FF9214","italic":false},{"text":"e","color":"#FFAA17","italic":false},{"text":"r","color":"#FFBB1C","italic":false},{"text":"r","color":"#FFC526","italic":false},{"text":"y","color":"#FFDC2E","italic":false}]',Lore:['{"text":"Instantly Fills Up","color":"gray","italic":false}','{"text":"Food Bar.","color":"gray","italic":false}']},{Berry:1},SkullOwner:{Id:[I;-1250815544,554583851,-1415593823,1808666437],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvM2Y2MTY5YTM5NTA1OWI4MDU3OWEwMTEwZjEwZWJmY2I2ZWE2YjgxN2Q0ZTQxNjQxZDU5NGYwODJlYmU5M2M5NiJ9fX0="}]}}} 1

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