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Making Skripts


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10 hours ago, Focuz07 said:


This is what ive got so far.. Sorry i forgot


on right click:
    if name of player's tool is "&d<What you choose>":
        make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set WhatYouChoose"
        remove 1 of player's held item from player's inventory

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3 minutes ago, nolando09 said:

This is what ive got so far.. Sorry i forgot


on right click:
    if name of player's tool is "&d<What you choose>":
        make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set WhatYouChoose"
        remove 1 of player's held item from player's inventory

There you go

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4 minutes ago, nolando09 said:

This is what ive got so far.. Sorry i forgot


on right click:
    if name of player's tool is "&d<What you choose>":
        make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set WhatYouChoose"
        remove 1 of player's held item from player's inventory


on right click:
    if name of player's tool is "&d<What you choose>":
        make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set WhatYouChoose"
        remove 1 of player's held item from player's inventory

command /vouchergive:
    permission: core.vouchergive
    permission message: &fUnknown command. Type /help for help.
        give player 1 paper named "&d<What yu choose>"

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12 hours ago, asawawda said:

Can you make me a 2b2t styled queue plugin? if yes thank you so much, btw i will go to sleep so msg me at @flimator twitterr plss

Ive never played 2b2t Before But i tried my hardest to make a world queue:


    # The world which you want to have the players connect to from queue
    mainworld: world, world_nether, world_the_end
    # The world you are designating to be the queue
    queueworld: queue
    # The max amount of players the main world can hold before the queue activates
    maxamount: 25

# !!!
# It is crucial that you set the variable {queuespawn} with /setqueue (Below) for the queue can function!
# !!!

command /setqueue:
    permission: op
    permission message: &cYou do not have access to this command!
        if player's world = "{@queueworld}":
            send "&cSet queue spawn to your location!"
            set {queuespawn} to player's location
            send "&cYou are not in the world which is set to be the Queue World. Are you sure you are in the right world?"


every 3 seconds:
    loop all players:
        if loop-player has permission "queue.access":
            if {queue::*} contains player:
                set {_playeramount} to size of all players in world("{@mainworld}")
                if {_playeramount} < {@maxamount}:
                    send action bar "&6Connecting you to the main world.." to loop-player
                    set loop-player's gamemode to survival
                    teleport loop-player to {savedlocation.%loop-player's uuid%}
                    remove loop-player from {queue::*}
                    set {_i} to -1
                    set {_queuesize} to size of {queue::*}
                    loop {queue::*}:
                        set {_i} to loop-index
                        send action bar "&6Position in queue: &6%{_i}%&6/%{_queuesize}%" to loop-player
                add loop-player to {queue::*}
                send action bar "&6You have been added to the queue!" to loop-player

        else if loop-player does not have permission "queue.access":
            if {queue::*} contains player:
                set {_playeramount} to size of all players in world("{@mainworld}")
                if {_playeramount} < {@maxamount}:
                    send action bar "&6Connecting you to the main world.." to loop-player
                    set loop-player's gamemode to survival
                    teleport loop-player to {savedlocation.%loop-player's uuid%}
                    remove loop-player from {queue::*}
                    kick loop-player due to "&eQueue by Hyphens &8&l>> &fThe server is currently full."
                add loop-player to {queue::*}
                send action bar "&6You have been added to the queue!" to loop-player

on disconnect:
    remove player from {queue::*}
    if player's world = "{@queueworld}":
        set {savedlocation.%player's uuid%} to location of player

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On 8/22/2021 at 6:00 PM, asawawda said:

Can you make me a 2b2t styled queue plugin? if yes thank you so much, btw i will go to sleep so msg me at @flimator twitterr plss

That is useless on minehut because you'd need to have the player space to hold the queue people but at that point they would be able to play

One of the most unique Minehut servers. Soon™


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16 minutes ago, Lapzzo said:

A skript that makes all minecraft sounds better >:)

I dont need this, but it would be cool for my server lol. You dont need to change all of them, just the common sounds


I used to play Minehut I guess?
Yeah, I still watch the forums for some reason. (15/5/2023)
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1 hour ago, Lapzzo said:

A skript that makes all minecraft sounds better >:)

I dont need this, but it would be cool for my server lol. You dont need to change all of them, just the common sounds

Im sorry im a bit new to Skripting and im not sure how.. Sorry 😞

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a command that if done disables dropping for a player like the command is /toggledrop cause from my experience  with clear lag ive lost way too many items by dropping them by accident and clear lag just clearing it and i dont want my player base to do the same.

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31 minutes ago, keezie7 said:

a command that if done disables dropping for a player like the command is /toggledrop cause from my experience  with clear lag ive lost way too many items by dropping them by accident and clear lag just clearing it and i dont want my player base to do the same.

Ok i can do that!

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37 minutes ago, keezie7 said:

a command that if done disables dropping for a player like the command is /toggledrop cause from my experience  with clear lag ive lost way too many items by dropping them by accident and clear lag just clearing it and i dont want my player base to do the same.

There you go!



command /toggledrop:
        if {ToggleDrop} is false:
            set {ToggleDrop} to true
            broadcast "&4&lServerName>> &cDrops Have Been Toggled Off!"
            set {ToggleDrop} to false
            broadcast "&4&lServerName>> &cDrops Have Been Toggled On!"

on drop:
    if {ToggleDrop} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&4&lServerName>> &cDrops Are &4&lOff&c!" to player

Edited by nolando09
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50 minutes ago, nolando09 said:

There you go!



command /toggledrop:
        if {ToggleDrop} is false:
            set {ToggleDrop} to true
            broadcast "&4&lServerName>> &cDrops Have Been Toggled Off!"
            set {ToggleDrop} to false
            broadcast "&4&lServerName>> &cDrops Have Been Toggled On!"

on drop:
    if {ToggleDrop} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&4&lServerName>> &cDrops Are &4&lOff&c!" to player

yeah.. that won't work. variables are globally stored in the same file, therefor if one player was to type /toggledrop it'd disable it for all players, and if it was already disabled it'd enable it for all players. use either the player's ign or the player's uuid inside of the index of the variable (uuid in case the player changes their username.). 
//EDIT: I misread your original post, it would work, just not in the way he wanted it to. He asked for it to be player specific.

You also shouldn't set the variable to false, what you should do is delete it when you're disabling it. this will save up space in the variables.csv file and is generally just a better habit.

command /toggledrop:
		if {ToggleDrop::%player's uuid%} is set:
			delete {ToggleDrop::%player's uuid%}
			send "&3&lDrops &8| &bDropping items is now &aenabled."
			set {ToggleDrop::%player's uuid%} to true
			send "&3&lDrops &8| &bDropping items is now &cdisabled."
on drop:
	if {ToggleDrop::%player's uuid%} is set:
		send "&3&lDrops &8| &cDropping items is current disabled! Please use &n/toggledrop&c to toggle this option."
		cancel event


Edited by joran2805
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6 minutes ago, joran2805 said:

yeah.. that won't work. variables are globally stored in the same file, therefor if one player was to type /toggledrop it'd disable it for all players, and if it was already disabled it'd enable it for all players. use either the player's ign or the player's uuid inside of the index of the variable (uuid in case the player changes their username.). 
//EDIT: I misread your original post, it would work, just not in the way he wanted it to. He asked for it to be player specific.

You also shouldn't set the variable to false, what you should do is delete it when you're disabling it. this will save up space in the variables.csv file and is generally just a better habit.

command /toggledrop:
		if {ToggleDrop::%player's uuid%} is set:
			delete {ToggleDrop::%player's uuid%}
			send "&3&lDrops &8| &bDropping items is now &aenabled."
			set {ToggleDrop::%player's uuid%} to true
			send "&3&lDrops &8| &bDropping items is now &cdisabled."
on drop:
	if {ToggleDrop::%player's uuid%} is set:
		send "&3&lDrops &8| &cDropping items is current disabled! Please use &n/toggledrop&c to toggle this option."
		cancel event


Oh Sorry Im a bit Dyslexic 😞

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Okay this skript, I dont know how to do. I want to make it so when you kill the mobs:








It sets the block above the block the mobs were standing on before they died, to there head, then the block disappears after 1 minute, and turns back to the block it was. If it is too hard, its okay



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2 hours ago, Lapzzo said:

Okay this skript, I dont know how to do. I want to make it so when you kill the mobs:








It sets the block above the block the mobs were standing on before they died, to there head, then the block disappears after 1 minute, and turns back to the block it was. If it is too hard, its okay

Ill try it!

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13 minutes ago, nolando09 said:

Ill try it!

This is what ive got.. idk if it works




on death:
    if victim is a witch:
        set {pos} to victim's position
        set block {pos} to victim's head
        wait 1 minute
        set block {pos} to air
        if victim is a zombie:
            set {pos} to victim's position
            set block {pos} to victim's head
            wait 1 minute
            set block {pos} to air
            if victim is a enderman:
                set {pos} to victim's position
                set block {pos} to victim's head
                wait 1 minute
                set block {pos} to air
                if victim is a skeleton:
                    set {pos} to victim's position
                    set block {pos} to victim's head
                    wait 1 minute
                    set block {pos} to air
                    if victim is a creeper:
                        set {pos} to victim's position
                        set block {pos} to victim's head
                        wait 1 minute
                        set block {pos} to air
                        if victim is a spider:
                            set {pos} to victim's position
                            set block {pos} to victim's head
                            wait 1 minute
                            set block {pos} to air

Edited by nolando09
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1 hour ago, nolando09 said:

This is what ive got.. idk if it works




on death:
    if victim is a witch:
        set {pos} to victim's position
        set block {pos} to victim's head
        wait 1 minute
        set block {pos} to air
        if victim is a zombie:
            set {pos} to victim's position
            set block {pos} to victim's head
            wait 1 minute
            set block {pos} to air
            if victim is a enderman:
                set {pos} to victim's position
                set block {pos} to victim's head
                wait 1 minute
                set block {pos} to air
                if victim is a skeleton:
                    set {pos} to victim's position
                    set block {pos} to victim's head
                    wait 1 minute
                    set block {pos} to air
                    if victim is a creeper:
                        set {pos} to victim's position
                        set block {pos} to victim's head
                        wait 1 minute
                        set block {pos} to air
                        if victim is a spider:
                            set {pos} to victim's position
                            set block {pos} to victim's head
                            wait 1 minute
                            set block {pos} to air

Sorry it doesnt work



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