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air drops

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Air Drops - Pastebin.com

plugins I have:


I made some air drops that you can customize the loot and stuff like that

 to edit most of the basic things you can just use the options at the top

	p: crates.use
	pm: &cHey!&7 You cant manage the crates
	min-x: -250
	max-x: 380
	min-z: -250
	max-z: 380 
	cooldown: 2 minutes 30 seconds

the min cords should always be a negative and the max will always be a positive number

you can edit the cool down to make they come in faster or slower


it is very important to edit the world that they spawn in so it would most likely be 

every {@cooldown} in world "world"



when you do "/crates addloot" it will open the loot menu.

To get to the loot list menu you have to click on the paper not the sign!pic4.png.0e315249e5a3950927a84ffc9175bc53.png





Edited by Boxmonkey
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13 hours ago, Boxmonkey said:

I made some air drops that you can customize the loot and stuff like that

on load:
	set {cb} to ender chest

command /lootview:
		send "&5&lCrates &8|&7 You can get &7%{loot::*}%&7 from a loot crate"

	p: crates.use
	pm: &cHey!&7 You cant manage the crates
	min-x: -250
	max-x: 380
	min-z: -250
	max-z: 380 
	cooldown: 2 minutes 30 seconds

every {@cooldown} in world "ul_map":
	set {_loc} to location at random integer between {@min-x} and {@max-x}, 255, random integer between {@max-z} and {@min-z} in world "ul_map"
	while block at {_loc} is air:
		remove 1 from y-coordinate of {_loc}
	set block at {_loc} to {cb}
	set {_x} to x-coordinate of {_loc}
	set {_y} to y-coordinate of {_loc}
	set {_z} to z-coordinate of {_loc}
	broadcast "&5&lCrates&8 | &7A airdrop spawned at &7%{_x}%&7, &7%{_y}%&7, %{_z}%"

command crates [<text>]:
	permission: {@p}
	permission message: {@pm}
		if arg-1 is not set:
			open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&5&lCrates&8 | &7Menu" to player
			format gui slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&7"
			format gui slot 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&7"
			format gui slot 4 of player with glowing book named "&5&lCrates &8|&7 Options"
			format gui slot 10 of player with glowing {cb} named "&5&lCrates &8|&7 Block"
			format gui slot 13 of player with glowing paper named "&5&lCrates &8|&7 Spawn"
			format gui slot 16 of player with glowing map named "&5&lCrates &8|&7 Add Loot"

		if arg-1 is "spawn":
			open chest with 1 row named "&5&lCrates&8 | &7Spawn" to player
			format gui slot 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&7"
			format gui slot 1 of player with glowing paper named "&5&lCrates&8 | &7Spawn"
			format gui slot 5 of player with diamond named "&7Spawn"

		if arg-1 is "addloot":
			open chest with 1 row named "&5&lCrates&8 | &7Add Loot" to player
			format gui slot 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&7"
			format gui slot 1 of player with glowing map named "&5&lCrates&8 | &7View List"
			format gui slot 5 of player with sign named "&5&lCrates&8 | &7Add Loot"

on inventory click:
	if name of player's current inventory is "&5&lCrates&8 | &7Menu":
		if index of event-slot is 16:
			close player's inventory
			make player execute command "/crates addloot"
		if index of event-slot is 10:
			close player's inventory
			open chest with 1 row named "&5&lCrates&8 | &7Block's" to player
			format gui slot 0, 2, and 8 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&7"
			format gui slot 1 of player with glowing {cb} named "&5&lCrates&8 | &7Current Block" to run:
				make player execute command "/crates"
			format gui slot 3 of player with ender chest named "&7Ender Chest" to run:
				wait 2 ticks
				make player execute command "/crates"
			format gui slot 4 of player with Gray Shulker Box named "&7Shulker Box" to run:
				wait 2 ticks
				make player execute command "/crates"
			format gui slot 5 of player with Barrel named "&7barrel" to run:
				wait 2 ticks
				make player execute command "/crates"
			format gui slot 6 of player with enchanting table named "&7Enchanting Table" to run:
				wait 2 ticks
				make player execute command "/crates"
			format gui slot 7 of player with Jukebox named "&7Jukebox " to run:
				wait 2 ticks
				make player execute command "/crates"

on inventory click:
	if name of player's current inventory is "&5&lCrates&8 | &7Menu":
		if index of event-slot is 13:
			close player's inventory
			open chest with 1 row named "&5&lCrates&8 | &7Spawn" to player
			format gui slot 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&7"
			format gui slot 1 of player with glowing paper named "&5&lCrates&8 | &7Spawn"
			format gui slot 5 of player with diamond named "&7Spawn"

on inventory click:
	if name of player's current inventory is "&5&lCrates&8 | &7Spawn":
		if index of event-slot is 5:
			close player's inventory
			set {_loc} to location at random integer between {@min-x} and {@max-x}, 255, random integer between {@max-z} and {@min-z} in world "ul_map"
			while block at {_loc} is air:
				remove 1 from y-coordinate of {_loc}
			set block at {_loc} to {cb}
			set {_x} to x-coordinate of {_loc}
			set {_y} to y-coordinate of {_loc}
			set {_z} to z-coordinate of {_loc}
			broadcast "&5&lCrates&8 | &7A airdrop spawned at &7%{_x}%&7, &7%{_y}%&7, %{_z}%"

on place:
	if event-block is {cb}:
		set {_loc} to location of player
		set {_x} to x-coordinate of {_loc}
		set {_y} to y-coordinate of {_loc}
		set {_z} to z-coordinate of {_loc}
		broadcast "&5&lCrates&8 | &7Player dropped a airdrop at &7%{_x}%&7, &7%{_y}%&7, %{_z}%"

on inventory click:
	if name of player's current inventory is "&5&lCrates&8 | &7Block's":
		if event-item is not air:
			if event-item is gray stained glass pane:
			else if index of event-slot is 2:
				set {cb} to event-item
		if event-item is gray stained glass pane:

on inventory click:
	if name of player's current inventory is "&5&lCrates&8 | &7Add Loot":
		if index of event-slot is 5:
			close player's inventory
			open sign gui to player with lines "", "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", "Item", and "(Make it good)":
				set {_i} to 1st element out of lines
				add ({_i} parsed as an item type) to {loot::*}
				wait 10 ticks
				make player execute command "/crates addloot"

		if index of event-slot is 1:
			close player's inventory
			open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "&3&lLoot&8 | &7List" to player
			set {_n} to 0
			if {loot::*} is set:
				loop {loot::*}:
					format gui slot {_n} of player with ("%loop-value%" parsed as item type) named "%loop-value%"
					add 1 to {_n}
					if {_n} = 52:
						stop loop
				format gui slot 0 of player with paper with no nbt named "&7None." to do nothing
			format gui slot 53 of player with glowing empty map with no nbt named "&6Back" to run:
				close player's inventory
				make player execute command "/crates addloot"

on left click:
	if event-block is {cb}:
		set event-block to black wool
		open chest with 1 row named "&5&lCrates&8 | &7Loot" to player
		format gui slot 0, 2, and 8 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&7"
		format gui slot 1 of player with glowing Book named "&5&lCrates&8 | &7Loot"
		set {_n} to 3
		loop 10 times:
			format gui slot {_n} of player with a random element out of {loot::*}
			add 1 to {_n}
			if {_n} is 8:
				stop loop
		wait 10 seconds
		set event-block to grass block
		wait 2 seconds
		close player's inventory
on inventory click:
	if name of player's current inventory is "&5&lCrates&8 | &7Loot":
		if event-item is gray stained glass pane:
		if index of event-slot is 2:

		if index of event-slot is 3:
			if {slot1.%player%} is set:
				send "&7This item was claimed already"
				send "&7Claimed 1x &a%event-item%"
				add event-item to player
				set {slot1.%player%} to  1
		if index of event-slot is 4:
			if {slot2.%player%} is set:
				send "&7This item was claimed already"
				send "&7Claimed 1x &a%event-item%"
				add event-item to player
				set {slot2.%player%} to  1
		if index of event-slot is 5:
			if {slot3.%player%} is set:
				send "&7This item was claimed already"
				send "&7Claimed 1x &a%event-item%"
				add event-item to player
				set {slot3.%player%} to  1
		if index of event-slot is 6:
			if {slot4.%player%} is set:
				send "&7This item was claimed already"
				send "&7Claimed 1x &a%event-item%"
				add event-item to player
				set {slot4.%player%} to  1
		if index of event-slot is 7:
			if {slot5.%player%} is set:
				send "&7This item was claimed already"
				send "&7Claimed 1x &a%event-item%"
				add event-item to player
				set {slot5.%player%} to  1

on inventory close:
	delete {slot1.%player%}
	delete {slot2.%player%}
	delete {slot3.%player%}
	delete {slot4.%player%}
	delete {slot5.%player%}


have fun

Hey is it possible if you could explain how people can use this skript and what requirements are needed to make this work?


Yo who actually reads these

[Vip] - 12/29/2020
[Pro] - 1/25/2022



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  • 1 month later...

It No Work it says when I try reloading the skript 

"can't understand this condition 'open sign gui to player with lines "", "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", "Item", and "(Make it good)": (SupplyDrop.sk: line 134: open sign gui to player with lines "", "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", "Item", and "(Make it good)": )


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5 minutes ago, The_TOT said:

t No Work it says when I try reloading the skript 

"can't understand this condition 'open sign gui to player with lines "", "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", "Item", and "(Make it good)": (SupplyDrop.sk: line 134: open sign gui to player with lines "", "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", "Item", and "(Make it good)": )

please don't respond to posts that haven't been interacted in for a month.
This is considered necroposting and is highly against minehut rules.

Requesting mod lock 🔒



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Hi The_TOT

Like Lapzzo shared, please avoid replying to threads that have been inactive for more than a month. Necroposting is not allowed. If you like to ask for help, you're more than welcome to create a new thread instead. We'll be locking this post now.

Hope you still have a great day.

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