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I need help coding a tp too the nether roof

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I just started skript yesterday and was looking for help all over google and skript websites, the code I found was outdated and needed help with making this, here is the code 

command /hell <player>:
        teleport player to location(0, 128,  , nether)
        send title "Good Luck" to player

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Assuming you just want it to teleport the player to the nether roof where they are:

command /hell <player>:
    set {_x} to arg-1's x coordinate
    set {_z} to arg-1's z coordinate
    teleport arg-1 to location %{_x}%, 125, %{_z}% in world "whatever your nether world is called"
    send title "Good Luck" to player


Keep in mind this is untested, if there is any errors feel free to reply with them and I can fix it up for you

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command /hell <player>:
    set {_x} to arg-1's x coordinate
    set {_z} to arg-1's z coordinate
    teleport arg-1 to location %{_x}%, 125, %{_z}% in world "whatever your nether world is called"
    send title "Good Luck" to player


So I tried too do this with the nether name and had an error so I decided too just use the regular world too se if that was the error but it came up with this 

also forgot too say in the original post but can you make it so only ops can use it, it would be very op if regular players could use it




Edited by DoodleLive
forgot too include
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