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Hello I have a question.

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Hi I have made a skript that makes you prestige:


command /prestige [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            open chest with 3 row named "&aPrestige" to player
            format gui slot 12 of player with slimeball named "&aPrestige" with lore "&7Costs 10 Stacks of Lightning coin" to run:
                if player's inventory contains 640 end rod:
                    remove 10000000000000000000 end rod from player
                    set player's boots to air
                    apply potion of speed of tier 2 to player for 1000000000 hours
                    give paper named "&9Prestige 1 Token" to player
                    make player execute command "/prestige2"
            format slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&c&lCancel" to close


How do I make it so you cant move the slimeball on the GUI?


                                                          🟣[Default] Lapzzo: Joined 2nd of July 2020🔵                  eee

                                                                 🔵[VIP] Lapzzo: VIP 25th of April 2021🟣                      eee



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what do i do now


                                                          🟣[Default] Lapzzo: Joined 2nd of July 2020🔵                  eee

                                                                 🔵[VIP] Lapzzo: VIP 25th of April 2021🟣                      eee



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OOOO i fixed it xdd


                                                          🟣[Default] Lapzzo: Joined 2nd of July 2020🔵                  eee

                                                                 🔵[VIP] Lapzzo: VIP 25th of April 2021🟣                      eee



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                                                          🟣[Default] Lapzzo: Joined 2nd of July 2020🔵                  eee

                                                                 🔵[VIP] Lapzzo: VIP 25th of April 2021🟣                      eee



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Skript help should go in the skript discussion category by the way. The marketplace category is if you want to request or offer things such as skripts.

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


[VIP] - 7/27/2020

Community Support - 7/8/20 - 11/3/20

Helper  - 11/3/20 - 2/21/21

Moderator - 2/21/21 - 5/17/21

❤️ - 5/17/21 - 12/20/22

Moderator - 12/20/22 - now



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