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How do i save a player's inventory when they choose to go on other gamemodes?

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Hello! I am new to skript and I am actually trying to make a minehut server with multiple gamemodes/minigames. I can't find out how to save a player's inventory. Example: I have a world for mining called "Mines". I have another world called "Lobby2". How can I do so, that if the player goes to "Lobby2", his inventory is deleted, and when he goes back to "Mines", he has everything back. Sorry if i did some spelling mistakes, but i am from a different country. Thanks! (Need help really quick. I mean in 5h.).

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If you want to do this with skript, you can use the world change event and in that event, save the contents of the player's inventory into a list variable, clear the player's inventory, then give the player the contents of the list variable for that world. You will have to loop the player's inventory then add each item to a list. I suggest formatting the variable like {inventory::%world%::%player's uuid%::*}.

Or you could also just use a plugin called Multiverse and Multiverse Inventories to do this too.


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Moving this to skript discussion since this looks like its asking for help relating to skript. 

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12 hours ago, Tarnerd said:

If you want to do this with skript, you can use the world change event and in that event, save the contents of the player's inventory into a list variable, clear the player's inventory, then give the player the contents of the list variable for that world. You will have to loop the player's inventory then add each item to a list. I suggest formatting the variable like {inventory::%world%::%player's uuid%::*}.

Or you could also just use a plugin called Multiverse and Multiverse Inventories to do this too.


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Moving this to skript discussion since this looks like its asking for help relating to skript. 

Thank you so much! 

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