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Can someone tell me whats wrong with this skript???

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                                                                                if victim is a VillagerGolem:
                                                                                        add 500000 to the attacker's account
                                                                                        message "<lime>You killed a IronGiant <lime>+500000$" to the attacker

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VillagerGolem isn't a skript entity. What mob are you trying to use? Also not sure if pasting the skript onto the forums messed it up but that indenting looks wrong.


Moved to Skript Discussion

Please post in the skript discussion category next time when you need help with skript.

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1 minute ago, Tarnerd said:

VillagerGolem isn't a skript entity. What mob are you trying to use? Also not sure if pasting the skript onto the forums messed it up but that indenting looks wrong.


Moved to Skript Discussion

Please post in the skript discussion category next time when you need help with skript.

Never mid i got some minehut skripter to help me figure out that the entity was villager golem because i watch youtube videos and got confused

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