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ack i need help again ehsavfsef

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me again i need help again.
Im using vault to try and make a shop but it keeps saying i have insufficent funds

			loop {Gens::*}:
				set {_GenID} to loop-index
				set {_GenType} to loop-value
				clear {Shop::*}
				add {Gens::*} to {Shop::*}
				set {_DropID} to {GenDrops::%{_GenID}%}
				set {_SellValue} to {GenSell::%{_GenID}%}
				set {_BuyValue} to {GenBuy::%{_GenID}%}
				set {_Slot} to {_GenID} - 1
				format gui slot {_Slot} of player with {_GenType} named "" with lore "&6Buy Gen: &e%{_BuyValue}%&e$" and "&6Sell Per Drop: &e%{_SellValue}%&e$" to run:
					if player's balance >= {_BuyValue}:
						remove {_BuyValue} from player's balance
						give player loop-value
						send "{@Prefix} &aPurchase Successful!" to player
						send "{@Prefix} &cNot enough funds!" to player
				if {_Slot} = 44:
					stop loop
			format gui slot 49 of player with barrier named "&cClose" to close





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debug it. Check what {_BuyValue} set to by sending the value to yourself 

Discord - tarna256

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55 minutes ago, Tarnerd said:

debug it. Check what {_BuyValue} set to by sending the value to yourself 

I already tried this, its an integer




Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

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12 minutes ago, AgentGamerPro said:

I already tried this, its an integer

What was it sent to when you sent it to yourself? And also make sure you actually have money too. 

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

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3 minutes ago, Tarnerd said:

What was it sent to when you sent it to yourself? And also make sure you actually have money too. 

1. yes i have money

2. it was supposed to be removed from my inventory





Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

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2 minutes ago, AgentGamerPro said:

1. yes i have money

2. it was supposed to be removed from my inventory


But what was {_BuyValue} set to when you sent it to yourself? Cause currently the only reason it may be saying not enough funds is if that variable isn't set or you don't actually have more money than that variable. 

Discord - tarna256

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6 minutes ago, Tarnerd said:

But what was {_BuyValue} set to when you sent it to yourself? Cause currently the only reason it may be saying not enough funds is if that variable isn't set or you don't actually have more money than that variable. 

its set from an argument from a command. eg. /gen creategen 100 200 with 100 being sell value and 200 being BUY VALUE

Edited by AgentGamerPro




Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

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12 minutes ago, AgentGamerPro said:

its set from an argument from a command. eg. /gen creategen 100 200 with 100 being sell value and 200 being BUY VALUE

ok but did you actually send the variable to yourself in that command or wherever it is in like I've been saying to actually see what it is set to and make sure no errors happened. Just saying you set it in a different command doesn't mean it should work. Like you loop that variable and get an id from it and it may be getting a wrong value so to make sure everything is going right, send that variable to yourself in that code. Like I said earlier, the only reason it would be saying not enough funds is if that variable isnt set or you don't have more money than hat variable. 

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


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