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/give command says: item not found



I found this problem a long time ago but since I came back with minecraft commands for the server I found out that a long /give command doesnt work even with /give (name) instead of @p or @e etc the command I wanted to try out is this command: /give TIJAY313 piglin_brute_spawn_egg{EntityTag:{IsImmuneToZombification:1,CustomName:'[{"text":"War Piglin"}]',PersistenceRequired:1b,HandItems:[{id:netherite_axe,tag:{display:{Name:'[{"text":"War Axe","italic":false,"color":"dark_gray","bold":true}]'},Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:5},{id:unbreaking,lvl:4}]},Count:1}],HandDropChances:[0.02f],ArmorItems:[{id:netherite_boots,Count:1},{id:netherite_leggings,Count:1},{id:netherite_chestplate,Count:1},{id:netherite_helmet,Count:1}],ArmorDropChances:[0.15f,0.05f,0.03f,0.10f]}} 1

Anyone mind helping me out here?

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12 minutes ago, TIJAY313 said:

I found this problem a long time ago but since I came back with minecraft commands for the server I found out that a long /give command doesnt work even with /give (name) instead of @p or @e etc the command I wanted to try out is this command: /give TIJAY313 piglin_brute_spawn_egg{EntityTag:{IsImmuneToZombification:1,CustomName:'[{"text":"War Piglin"}]',PersistenceRequired:1b,HandItems:[{id:netherite_axe,tag:{display:{Name:'[{"text":"War Axe","italic":false,"color":"dark_gray","bold":true}]'},Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:5},{id:unbreaking,lvl:4}]},Count:1}],HandDropChances:[0.02f],ArmorItems:[{id:netherite_boots,Count:1},{id:netherite_leggings,Count:1},{id:netherite_chestplate,Count:1},{id:netherite_helmet,Count:1}],ArmorDropChances:[0.15f,0.05f,0.03f,0.10f]}} 1

Anyone mind helping me out here?

Hey, it might be because you have a plugin such as EssentialsX, which overrides the default minecraft commands.

If you want to execute the default minecraft command, attach a "minecraft:" at the beginning of the command.

Here is an example:

-> /minecraft:give @a minecraft:rose_bush 1

-> /minecraft:kill @a

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1 hour ago, TIJAY313 said:

well Thank you I asked my friend (whos put plugins in my server) if the plugin you mentioned is in my server and he said it did so I tried but It didnt work 

What other plugins do you have in your server? They might be interfering with the items.

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@TIJAY313 i think it's to do with the way you formatted the commmand. Use the command below as an example format for this:

/give @p minecraft:netherite_sword{display:{Name:"[{\"text\":\"Netherite Sword\",\"color\":\"aqua\",\"italic\":false}]",Lore:["{\"text\":\"Sharpness 1000\",\"color\":\"gray\",\"italic\":false}"]},Unbreakable:1,HideFlags:7,Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:1000}]}

Also, make sure to run the command in a command block in the server.

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