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Why is necroposting bad



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49 minutes ago, EmptyRooms_ said:

Idk why necroposting isn't allowed, eh.. just wanna ask tbh

My personal view on this: Necro-posting is basically bumping old threads, which in this case are older than 1 month. If you see, making a new thread instead of posting in an old one is a good option, can also be said as "being up-to-date", because of-course, older threads are from the past, and stuff keeps updating. Another thing is that it can also be considered as spam. If the thread is fresh, there is a higher chance of the OP and people involved with the thread being more active with it.

So basically, bumping outdated topics, which are mostly dead.

I probably made no sense, but yeah. Unless it's very important or an on-going happening, it's a good idea to make a new thread rather than reviving an old one.

I know what you feel, I totally understand, and I/others agree with you too, but there is a genuine reason this rule exists, and we shall follow it.


Hey, if anyone else is reading this, and thinks that I am wrong, please don't hesitate to correct me, I would be very happy to learn, thanks.

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Honestly I was starting to write the same things that you just said @CoolProgrammer damn but yes I 100% agree with both of you, in the fact of it being frustrating but also making sense and having that rule exist since it makes sense. 

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