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Some of my scripts just won't load.


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3 minutes ago, TheRealCrit said:

I have about 10 enabled scripts, and on chatformat.sk (which handles chat format) it gives me a strange error. This also happens on board.sk (which handles the sidebar) with the same error. I've even tried restarting my server after deleting and recreating both files, but nope, there's still that error.

Logs: https://controlc.com/17f5de1f

It looks like something with the addons you have. I suggest checking them out in their configs and other stuff to see if somethign mightve corrupted.

If I have helped you out in your post or you liked what I posted, please upvote and react to my post! It helps me a lot!

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If you have any questions contact me!
My Discord: BanditEagle#2481
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I see 2 other things on the logs.

1) AdvancedSlabs seems to be updated or something because it wasn't able to load in successfully, resulting in it being disabled

2) These issues with your skripts:

Can't cancel an event anymore after it has already passed (Zeroed.sk, line 41: cancel event')
Can't understand this expression: 'location at (141.5, 157.5, 57.5) in world "creative"' (join.sk, line 5: set {_creativespawn} to location at (141.5, 157.5, 57.5) in world "creative"')
Can't understand this expression: 'tier of speed of player' (agentcheat.sk, line 111: set {SpeedPotion::%player%} to tier of speed of player')

Apart from this, this is the issue on board.sk:

Current node: set score "  %colored prefix of loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4 (board.sk, line 12)
Current item: null

I suggest #'ing that line out for now and see if that changes anything

Similar thing with chatformat.sk:

Current node: send "%colored prefix of player%&4%player% &8» &f%colored message%" to loop-player (chatformat.sk, line 10)
Current item: null

If doing those does not solve the issue, let me know.

If I have helped you out in your post or you liked what I posted, please upvote and react to my post! It helps me a lot!

Some Minehut Links:

Server Rules • Staff Applications • News & Updates • Reports • Appeals

Minehut: VIP (07/04/2021 --> Current)
Elestra/Versa Realms: Manager (12/04/2021 --> Current)

If you have any questions contact me!
My Discord: BanditEagle#2481
My Spigot Profile: https://www.spigotmc.org/members/banditeagle.935281/
My IGN: BanditEagle

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On 4/28/2021 at 7:16 AM, TheRealCrit said:

I have about 10 enabled scripts, and on chatformat.sk (which handles chat format) it gives me a strange error. This also happens on board.sk (which handles the sidebar) with the same error. I've even tried restarting my server after deleting and recreating both files, but nope, there's still that error.

Logs: https://controlc.com/17f5de1f

Im glad you're using my anticheat, i didn't know Skellet would interfere with it.




Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

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  • 1 year later...

My skripts dont work to i wrote 

on load: set {gens::wheat} to hay block named "&e&1Wheat gen" with lore "&7----- "&8-----" and "&7Produces wheat every 10 seconds" and "&7Upgrade cost: &e500
set {gens::coal} to coal block named "&e&8Coal gen" with lore "&7-----&8-----" and &7Produces coal every 10 seconds" and "&7Upgrade cost : &e1000
set {items :: wheat} to wheat named "&ewheat" with lore &7-----&8-----" andd "&sell price: &e10 " and &7-----&8-----"
set {items :: Coal} to coal named "&8Coal" with lore "&7-----&8-----" and "&7sell price: &e20 " and "&7-----&8-----"

command /givegen [<text>]:
permission op
if arg-1 is set:
give player {gens::%arg-1%
message "&cInvailid Arguments! Usage: /givegen <gen?"         
on place:
if a player's tool is block:hay 
placeGen("Wheat", player, event-block's Location)
if a player's tool is block:coal
placeGen("coal", player, event-block's Location)
function placeGen{n: Text, P: player, I: location)
if {usedslots::%{_p}'s uuid%}} = {msxslots::%[_p]'s uuid%]:
send action bar "&8* &cGen cap reached! &7)&e%{usedsslots::%{_p}'s uuid%}%&7)" to {_p}
play sound "entity.villager.no" at volume 1 at pitch 1 to {_p}
set block at {_1} to air 
give {_p} {gens::%{_n}%}
add {_1}'s location to {gensplaced::%{_n}%{_P}'s uuid%::*}
add 1 to {usedplaced::%{_p}'s uuid%::*}
send action bar "&8* &7placed a &e%{_n} Gen &7(&e%{usedslots::%{_p}'s uuid%}&7/&e%{maxslots::%{_P}'s uuid%}%&7}" to {_p}
play sound "block.note_block.pling" at volume 1 at pitch 2 to {_p}
make 10 of proof at {_1}
on left click:
 --------- breakgen)"wheat", player, event block's-location)
 function breakgen{n: text, p: player, I: location):
 remove 1 rom {usedslots::%{_p}'s uuid%::*}
 remove {_1}'s location from {gensplaced::%{_n}%::%{_p}'s uuid%::*}
 send action bar "&8* &7Picked up a &e%{_n}% Gen &7 {&e%{usedslots::%{_p}'s uuid%}%&7/&e%{maxslots::%{_P}'s uuid%}%&7)" to {_p}
play sound "block.note_block.pling" at volume 1 at pitch 1 to {_p}
 make 10 of proof at {_1}
give {_p} {gens::%{_n}%}
set block at {_1} to air
every 10 seconds:
           loop all player:
             Loop all blocks in radius 30 around loop-player:
if {gensplaced:: wheat::&1Loop-player's uuid%::* contains loop-block's location:
    set {_ioc to block above loop-value-2
drop 1 of {items::wheat} 1 meters above {_ioc} without velocity
if {gensplaced::coal::%loop-player's uuid%;;*} contains loop-block's location:
 {_ioc} to block above loop-value-2
drop 1 of {items::coal} 1 meters setabove {_ioc} without velocity
 {_ioc} to block above loop-value-2
drop 1 of {items::coal} 1 meters setabove {_ioc} without velocity
command /sell:
set {_total} to 0
 set {_wheatamt} to amount of wheat in player's inventory
 remove all wheat from player's inventory
 add {_wheatamt} * 10 to {_total}
 set {_coalamt} to amount of wheat in player's inventory
 remove all coal from player's inventory
 add {_coalamt} * 20 to {_total}
 add {_total} to {coins::%player's uuid%}
 send title "&7Sale Summary:" with subtitle "&e+%{_total}%" For 5 seconds 
 play sound "entity.horse.amour" at volume 1 at pitch 1 to player
 every 2 seconds:
 loop all players:
 send action bar "&e%{coins::%Loop-player's uuid%]%  %7Gen slots: &e%{usedslots::%loop-player%}%&7/&e%{maxslots::%loop-player's uuid%
On right click:
                  if clicked-block is set:
 player is sneaking
 if click::%clicked-block is hay block:
 [upgrade player's uuid%} is false
 set {upgradeclicks::%player's uuid%} to true
  wait 1 tick
  remove clicked block's location from {gensplaced::Wheat::%player's uuid%::*} 
add clicked block's location from {gensplaced::coal::%player's uuid%::*}
set clicked block to coal block
send title "&e&1Upgraded" with subtitle "&7Wheat -> to player
wait 0.5 seconds
set {upgradeclick::%player's uuid% to false 
if click::%clicked-block is hay block:
 [upgrade player's uuid%} is false
 set {upgradeclicks::%player's uuid%} to true
  wait 1 tick
  remove clicked block's location from {gensplaced::Wheat::%player's uuid%::*} 
add clicked block's location from {gensplaced::coal::%player's uuid%::*}
set clicked block to coal block
send title "not coded yet" with subtitle "&7Wheat -> ?" to player
wait 0.5 seconds
set {upgradeclick::%player's uuid% to false 
command /start:
if {start::%player's uuid%} is not true:
set {start::%player's uuid%} to true 
excute player command "/p auto
give player {gens::wheat}
wait 1 second
send title "&eplace your gen to begin!" with subtitle " " to player for 3 seconds
on join:
set {upgradeclicks::%player's uuid%} to false
if {coins::%player's uuid%} is not set
set {coins::%player's uuid% to 0
if {usedlots::%player's uuid%} is not set
set {usedslots::%player's uuid%} to 0
 if {maxslots::%player's uuid%} is not set
 set {maxslots::%player's uuid%} to 26


Hello I'm nmazey and I joined minehut in 2014 but left because
It was super TRASH! and played other servers...

But in 2015 I joined back and saw the in-game gui and I left because i thought That it was still a towny server.. 2 years later I realised that I saw lots of youtube videos about minehut

so I joined again and found out it's not an towny server anymore saw free minecraft servers! Then I started to make a minehut server called foxboxy, newwolf and more

but today in 2024 I have 62 servers and I have the VIP rank and switched to bedrock




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