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/dl world nether and end won't save



so, i'm trying to move my server to another host because, as much as i appreciate minehut, the ads and the crashing are ruining the expirience for my friends and I who are doing a lore SMP. I did /dl world and got my overworld fine, but the nether and end did not save on the file and doing /dl world gluten gang_nether or _the_end hasn't been working, I get a 'world does not exist' error code. I've tried a few things like /dl world (gluten gang)the_end but I get the same code. Am I doing something wrong? any help would be appreciated, thanks ❤️

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Do /worlds to see a list of world names on your server. If the main world name is just world, it the nether and end should be called world_nether and world_the_end

Discord - tarna256

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Just now, catsandbubblegum said:

I get the same 'world does not exist' message with both

Oh your world names have a space in it. The dl command doesn't support downloading worlds with spaces in it. One solution to this is using a plugin called Multiverse. With that plugin, you can clone the world to have a different name. 

After getting Multiverse and restarting the server, do /mv clone "world name in quotes" new_name. This command will clone the world name that you put in the quotes and make a new world called new_name. Just call the new name whatever you want. Do this for all 3 of your worlds. 

If it says multiverse couldn't recognize the world, you need to import it with the import command. Run /mv import "world name in quotes" normal. The normal part is if it is a normal overworld. If it is a nether world, then put nether. And put end if it is a end world. Then do the clone commands afterwards. 

Discord - tarna256

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6 minutes ago, _Tarna_ said:

Oh your world names have a space in it. The dl command doesn't support downloading worlds with spaces in it. One solution to this is using a plugin called Multiverse. With that plugin, you can clone the world to have a different name. 

After getting Multiverse and restarting the server, do /mv clone "world name in quotes" new_name. This command will clone the world name that you put in the quotes and make a new world called new_name. Just call the new name whatever you want. Do this for all 3 of your worlds. 

If it says multiverse couldn't recognize the world, you need to import it with the import command. Run /mv import "world name in quotes" normal. The normal part is if it is a normal overworld. If it is a nether world, then put nether. And put end if it is a end world. Then do the clone commands afterwards. 

the command also doesn't seem to see that the world name has a space in it either.. I used the whole world name in the command and it only registered the first word, and then failed to import it? So sorry if this is an obvious fix, i'm not the best when it comes to this kind of stuff.


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Just now, catsandbubblegum said:

the command also doesn't seem to see that the world name has a space in it either.. I used the whole world name in the command and it only registered the first word, and then failed to import it? So sorry if this is an obvious fix, i'm not the best when it comes to this kind of stuff.


So the import command isn't working? It worked for me the last time I used it on a world with a space in it. Is it saying that for any of the worlds you try to import that have spaces in them? Are you in the world when doing the command? If you were, try going to a different world then using the import command and see if that changes anything. But if you weren't in the world when import command, try doing the opposite. Go to the world then do the import command.

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12 minutes ago, _Tarna_ said:

So the import command isn't working? It worked for me the last time I used it on a world with a space in it. Is it saying that for any of the worlds you try to import that have spaces in them? Are you in the world when doing the command? If you were, try going to a different world then using the import command and see if that changes anything. But if you weren't in the world when import command, try doing the opposite. Go to the world then do the import command.

seems as such, I tried restarting my server, as well as going into another world, and that one imported fine, but the world i'm actually trying to get won't work.

Edited by catsandbubblegum
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4 minutes ago, catsandbubblegum said:

seems as such, I tried restarting my server, as well as going into another world, and that one imported fine, but the world i'm actually trying to get won't work. When I teleported to another world using the /worlds command, and tried to go back, it's saying that my original world, as well as the other realms from that world don't exist.

Hmm try putting the world type in all caps. That is what the examples on the multiverse wiki shows. Like /mv import <world name> NORMAL. Same for NETHER and END

Wiki: https://github.com/Multiverse/Multiverse-Core/wiki/Command-Reference#import-command

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2 minutes ago, _Tarna_ said:

Hmm try putting the world type in all caps. That is what the examples on the multiverse wiki shows. Like /mv import <world name> NORMAL. Same for NETHER and END

Wiki: https://github.com/Multiverse/Multiverse-Core/wiki/Command-Reference#import-command

So I think this is a step closer, but when I do the command (/mv import <gluten gang> END), I'm given this:   


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27 minutes ago, catsandbubblegum said:

So I think this is a step closer, but when I do the command (/mv import <gluten gang> END), I'm given this:   


Remove the <> around the world name. It should just be /mv import "gluten gang_the_end" END. And the same for the other worlds but change the world name and the world type. 

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