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How do I enable tripwire hook duplication?



How do I enable tripwire hook duplication? For some reason I can't, here's my paper.yml file

# This is the main configuration file for Paper.
# As you can see, there's tons to configure. Some options may impact gameplay, so use
# with caution, and make sure you know what each option does before configuring.
# If you need help with the configuration or have any questions related to Paper,
# join us in our Discord or IRC channel.
# Discord: https://discord.gg/papermc
# IRC: #paper @ irc.esper.net ( https://webchat.esper.net/?channels=paper ) 
# Website: https://papermc.io/ 
# Docs: https://paper.readthedocs.org/ 

verbose: false
config-version: 20
  max-joins-per-tick: 3
  track-plugin-scoreboards: false
  fix-entity-position-desync: true
  player-auto-save-rate: -1
  max-player-auto-save-per-tick: -1
  console-has-all-permissions: false
  chunk-tasks-per-tick: 1000
  enable-player-collisions: true
  save-empty-scoreboard-teams: false
  load-permissions-yml-before-plugins: true
  save-player-data: true
  use-alternative-luck-formula: false
  suggest-player-names-when-null-tab-completions: true
  region-file-cache-size: 256
  incoming-packet-spam-threshold: 300
  bungee-online-mode: true
    early-warning-every: 5000
    early-warning-delay: 10000
    recipe-spam-increment: 1
    recipe-spam-limit: 20
    tab-spam-increment: 1
    tab-spam-limit: 500
    page-max: 2560
    total-multiplier: 0.98
    enabled: false
    online-mode: true
    secret: ''
    enable: true
    threads: -1
    allow-headless-pistons: true
    allow-permanent-block-break-exploits: true
    allow-piston-duplication: true
    allow-headless-pistons-readme: This setting controls if players should be able
      to create headless pistons.
    allow-permanent-block-break-exploits-readme: This setting controls if players
      should be able to break bedrock, end portals and other intended to be permanent
    allow-piston-duplication-readme: This setting controls if player should be able
      to use TNT duplication, but this also allows duplicating carpet, rails and potentially
      other items
  enabled: false
  verbose: true
  server-name-privacy: false
  - database
  - settings.bungeecord-addresses
  - settings.velocity-support.secret
  history-interval: 300
  history-length: 3600
  server-name: Unknown Server
  no-permission: '&cI''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command.
    Please contact the server administrators if you believe that this is in error.'
    authentication-servers-down: ''
    connection-throttle: Connection throttled! Please wait before reconnecting.
    flying-player: Flying is not enabled on this server
    flying-vehicle: Flying is not enabled on this server
    delay-chunk-unloads-by: 10s
    should-remove-dragon: false
    ender-dragons-death-always-places-dragon-egg: false
    update-pathfinding-on-block-update: false
    fix-climbing-bypassing-cramming-rule: false
    only-players-collide: false
    allow-vehicle-collisions: true
    portal-search-vanilla-dimension-scaling: true
    max-leash-distance: 10
    zombies-target-turtle-eggs: true
    zombie-villager-infection-chance: -1
    light-queue-size: 20
    iron-golems-can-spawn-in-air: false
    tracker-update-distance: 1
    phantoms-do-not-spawn-on-creative-players: true
    phantoms-only-attack-insomniacs: true
    seed-based-feature-search: true
    portal-create-radius: 16
    keep-spawn-loaded-range: 8
    keep-spawn-loaded: true
    auto-save-interval: -1
    disable-thunder: false
    skeleton-horse-thunder-spawn-chance: 0.01
    disable-ice-and-snow: false
    count-all-mobs-for-spawning: false
    armor-stands-do-collision-entity-lookups: true
    water-over-lava-flow-speed: 5
    grass-spread-tick-rate: 1
    bed-search-radius: 1
    nether-ceiling-void-damage-height: 0
    allow-non-player-entities-on-scoreboards: false
    disable-explosion-knockback: false
    fix-zero-tick-instant-grow-farms: false
    use-faster-eigencraft-redstone: false
    parrots-are-unaffected-by-player-movement: false
    prevent-tnt-from-moving-in-water: false
    non-player-arrow-despawn-rate: -1
    creative-arrow-despawn-rate: -1
    container-update-tick-rate: 1
    armor-stands-tick: true
    entities-target-with-follow-range: false
    spawner-nerfed-mobs-should-jump: false
    per-player-mob-spawns: false
    allow-leashing-undead-horse: false
    baby-zombie-movement-modifier: 0.5
    all-chunks-are-slime-chunks: false
    mob-spawner-tick-rate: 1
    filter-nbt-data-from-spawn-eggs-and-related: true
    max-entity-collisions: 8
    disable-creeper-lingering-effect: false
    duplicate-uuid-resolver: saferegen
    duplicate-uuid-saferegen-delete-range: 32
    optimize-explosions: false
    portal-search-radius: 128
    disable-teleportation-suffocation-check: false
    use-vanilla-world-scoreboard-name-coloring: false
    enable-treasure-maps: true
    treasure-maps-return-already-discovered: false
    experience-merge-max-value: -1
    prevent-moving-into-unloaded-chunks: false
    falling-block-height-nerf: 0
    tnt-entity-height-nerf: 0
    remove-corrupt-tile-entities: false
    fixed-chunk-inhabited-time: -1
    max-auto-save-chunks-per-tick: 24
      lava-obscures: false
      use-permission: false
      enabled: false
      engine-mode: 1
      chunk-edge-mode: 2
      max-chunk-section-index: 3
      update-radius: 2
      - gold_ore
      - iron_ore
      - coal_ore
      - lapis_ore
      - mossy_cobblestone
      - obsidian
      - chest
      - diamond_ore
      - redstone_ore
      - clay
      - emerald_ore
      - ender_chest
      - stone
      - oak_planks
      flat-bedrock: false
      fix-curing-zombie-villager-discount-exploit: true
      disable-mob-spawner-spawn-egg-transformation: false
      nerf-pigmen-from-nether-portals: false
      disable-chest-cat-detection: false
      shield-blocking-delay: 5
      disable-player-crits: false
      disable-sprint-interruption-on-attack: false
      disable-relative-projectile-velocity: false
      disable-end-credits: false
      disable-unloaded-chunk-enderpearl-exploit: true
      disable-pillager-patrols: false
      scan-for-legacy-ender-dragon: true
        spawn-chance: 0.2
          per-player: false
          ticks: 12000
          per-player: false
          day: 5
      maximum: 0
      enabled: false
        COBBLESTONE: 300
      cooldown-when-full: true
      disable-move-event: false
      cactus: 3
      reeds: 3
        max: 16
        min: 11
      MinimumTicks: 100
      MaximumTicks: 600
      soft: 32
      hard: 128
      sound: -1
      impact-sound: -1
      flash: -1
      enabled: true
        min: 20
        max: 40
      auto-replenish: false
      restrict-player-reloot: true
      reset-seed-on-fill: true
      max-refills: -1
      refresh-min: 12h
      refresh-max: 2d
      no-tick-view-distance: -1
      experience_orb: -1
      snowball: -1
      ender_pearl: -1
      arrow: -1
      zombies: false
      skeletons: false
      spawn-minute-length: 1200
      spawn-day-length: 24000
      spawn-chance-failure-increment: 25
      spawn-chance-min: 25
      spawn-chance-max: 75
      - HARD
      - NORMAL
      - HARD



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To clarify on this what I mean is that during the attempt of the duplication both tripwire hooks break and both trapdoors are activated which when displayed in vanilla minecraft (singleplayer and multiplayer no plugins or anything) works (only one trapdoor is activated and only one tripwire hook breaks and actually duplicates).

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Did the allow-piston-duplication option not work? Because that usually enables some duplication patches such as tnt and rails. 

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

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No, allow-piston-duplication did not work. It only requires two trapdoors, one string, and two tripwire hooks (unless your doing something afk related or something like that). Search it up if you don't understand what I'm talking about

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11 minutes ago, NovaMaster said:

Here is a video of it in action (in vanilla and how it should normally work).

Are you sure it works in 1.16.5 since that video is from 1 year ago. 

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
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[VIP] - 7/27/2020

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Just now, _Tarna_ said:

Are you sure it works in 1.16.5 since that video is from 1 year ago. 

Yes I am sure it does. I tried it in vanilla single player a couple minutes ago just to double check (for like the 5th time maybe?). Here's what I get when trying to do it (forgive the poor quality): 


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1 minute ago, NovaMaster said:

Yes I am sure it does. I tried it in vanilla single player a couple minutes ago just to double check (for like the 5th time maybe?). Here's what I get when trying to do it (forgive the poor quality): 


So you tested it on 1.16.5 vanilla and it worked? Then paper did probably patch it. Some things paper patches like sand duplication is completely patched and there is no way to enable it. Could be the same case for tripwire hooks. Not sure.

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
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2 minutes ago, _Tarna_ said:

So you tested it on 1.16.5 vanilla and it worked? Then paper did probably patch it. Some things paper patches like sand duplication is completely patched and there is no way to enable it. Could be the same case for tripwire hooks. Not sure.

If that's the case then why didn't they completely patch things like rail duplication (they added an 'unsupported option' to allow it again but it doesn't work for tripwire hooks)? (Also if it is a thing to do with paper that doesn't have an option then how could I delete it exactly either?)

Edited by NovaMaster
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15 minutes ago, NovaMaster said:

If that's the case then why didn't they completely patch things like rail duplication (they added an 'unsupported option' to allow it again but it doesn't work for tripwire hooks)? (Also if it is a thing to do with paper that doesn't have an option then how could I delete it exactly either?)

idk. thats how they made it. And what do you mean by "delete it".

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20 minutes ago, NovaMaster said:

I mean as in remove paper (or at least the cheat/exploit/issue prevention side of it which includes things such as tnt duping) from my server.

Currently all Minehut servers run on paper and there is no way to remove or change it. 

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
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