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Skript Text Help


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So, this might be confusing, but I want to make a command that makes it so a player can type something, and if I were to do a different command, I would be able to see what that player typed.

This might help with the question

		arg-1 is "Text":
			add arg-1 to {Text}
		arg-1 is "SeeText":
			send "%{Text}%" to player

The player would do /<command> Text <text>,

Then I would do /<same command> SeeText, then it would show me what the player typed in '<text>'

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Change add arg-1 to {Text} to set {Text} to arg-1. Then the rest of your code should work. But if you want to make it a per person thing, you would need to change the variable to like {Text::%player's uuid%} and add a optional player argument for the seetext part. 


Moved to Skript Discussion

Please post in the right category next time when asking for skript help on the forums.

Discord - tarna256

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