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Luckyblock Skript | Edit items via GUI

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Hi there, this seems to be a pretty well-made skript. However, I suggest you add 3 things

1) A cooldown to the paged lucky block gui so people can't take whatever they want whenever they want

2) Instead of making it a gui with 1000's of pages of random items, which players can shuffle through and take whatever they want (ex: diamond blocks, emerald blocks, beacons, totems, notch apples, etc...) to boost themselves to a command that just gives you a random item or a gui which only allows you to move onto the next page if you cleared the current one

3) Currently, page 0 and page 1 are the same thing, which can confuse a lot of people. I suggest just canceling and saying "that is not a page" if you don't want to code it so page 0 is an option.

If I have helped you out in your post or you liked what I posted, please upvote and react to my post! It helps me a lot!

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On 4/19/2021 at 12:21 AM, BanditEagle said:

Hi there, this seems to be a pretty well-made skript. However, I suggest you add 3 things

1) A cooldown to the paged lucky block gui so people can't take whatever they want whenever they want

2) Instead of making it a gui with 1000's of pages of random items, which players can shuffle through and take whatever they want (ex: diamond blocks, emerald blocks, beacons, totems, notch apples, etc...) to boost themselves to a command that just gives you a random item or a gui which only allows you to move onto the next page if you cleared the current one

3) Currently, page 0 and page 1 are the same thing, which can confuse a lot of people. I suggest just canceling and saying "that is not a page" if you don't want to code it so page 0 is an option.

Hello thank you for the suggestions but for your first suggestion It has a permission attached and you can freely add your own permissions or add to the Skript. For your second suggestion I'm having a hard time understanding what you mean but I think you mean that you can only go to the 2nd(or any page) if the first(or page before) is completely full which I think is a great idea and I would totally love to do that. As for the 3rd statement/suggestion I specifically coded it like that so it isn't as confusing but I see how it could be confusing if you want to have a page 0 and page 1. Also as one of my own ideas I think it would be cool to add an arrow button to go forward and backwards through pages. Let me know if I was correct for your 2nd suggestion and if you would like to see my suggestion be added.
Thank you for your support.

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