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Origins mod/plugin


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I suggest that the Origins mod/plugin is added in it creates a fun gameplay for people who would want to be part human part animal/mob also the Origins mod/plugin is used on a popular server aka the origins smp including some of the dream smp characters me and probably many more would love for you to include the mod/plugin Origins it works on the latest version(s) and I have tried it myself and it works well! It is from a trusted site as in curseforge and would be much fun to play on here is a link for ithttps://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/origins thank you for seeing my suggestion and post. 

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Minehut currently does not support mods but if you find a plugin that does similar things, you can suggest it in the plugins category on the forums.


Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

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Discord - phantom_fire7

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