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		format slot 11 of player with diamond sword named "&b&lMelee Weapons" to close then run [MeleeShop(player)]

function MeleeShop(p: player):
	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
	wait 3 ticks
	open chest with 3 rows named "&a&lShop" to {_p}
	loop 10 times:
		if {_i} is not set:
			set {_i} to 0
			add 1 to {_i}
		format slot {_i} of {_p} with gray stained glass pane named "&a" to be unstealable
	loop 10 times:
		if {_i} is 9:
			set {_i} to 17
			add 1 to {_i}
		format slot {_i} of {_p} with gray stained glass pane named "&a" to be unstealable
	format slot 10 of {_p} with iron sword named "&fSteel Sword" with lore "&7Made loosely with tin an iron.", "&7Maybe not the best choice." and "&6Price &e&l| &r&6100 Coins" to run [SteelSword({_p})]

function SteelSword(p: player):
	if {Coins::%{_p}%} is greater than or equal to 100:
		give {_p} iron sword named "<##e4e4e4>Steel Sword" with lore "<##d5d5d5>Made loosely with tin and iron." and "<##d5d5d5>Maybe not the best choice."
		remove 100 from {Coins::%{_p}%}
		send "&aSuccess!" to {_p}
		send "&cNot enough coins!" to {_p}

the SteelSword function wont work? why? i get no errors.

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Don't know. Those GUI's are really buggy sometimes. Use this version instead:

Works, and I tried it.


function MeleeShop(p: player):
	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
	wait 3 ticks
	create new gui with virtual chest named "Melee Shop" with 3 rows:
		format gui slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28 with gray stained glass pane named "&a"
		format gui slot 10 with iron sword named "&fSteel Sword" with lore "&7Made loosely with tin an iron." and "&7Maybe not the best choice." and "&6Price &e&l| &r&6100 Coins":
	open last gui to {_p}
function SteelSword(p: player):
	if {Coins::%{_p}%} is greater than or equal to 100:
		give {_p} iron sword named "<##e4e4e4>Steel Sword" with lore "<##d5d5d5>Made loosely with tin and iron." and "<##d5d5d5>Maybe not the best choice."
		remove 100 from {Coins::%{_p}%}
		send "&aSuccess!" to {_p}
		send "&cNot enough coins!" to {_p}


Edited by rosathorn
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rose city STICKER


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16 hours ago, rosathorn said:

Don't know. Those GUI's are really buggy sometimes. Use this version instead:

Works, and I tried it.


function MeleeShop(p: player):
	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
	wait 3 ticks
	create new gui with virtual chest named "Melee Shop" with 3 rows:
		format gui slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28 with gray stained glass pane named "&a"
		format gui slot 10 with iron sword named "&fSteel Sword" with lore "&7Made loosely with tin an iron." and "&7Maybe not the best choice." and "&6Price &e&l| &r&6100 Coins":
	open last gui to {_p}
function SteelSword(p: player):
	if {Coins::%{_p}%} is greater than or equal to 100:
		give {_p} iron sword named "<##e4e4e4>Steel Sword" with lore "<##d5d5d5>Made loosely with tin and iron." and "<##d5d5d5>Maybe not the best choice."
		remove 100 from {Coins::%{_p}%}
		send "&aSuccess!" to {_p}
		send "&cNot enough coins!" to {_p}


Do i need any addons? I get 2 errors:

cant understand this condition/effect: "open last gui to {_p}"

cant understand this condition "create new gui with virtual chest named "Melee Shop" with 3 rows:"

Edited by AgentGamerPro




Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

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7 hours ago, AgentGamerPro said:

Do i need any addons? I get 2 errors:

cant understand this condition/effect: "open last gui to {_p}"

cant understand this condition "create new gui with virtual chest named "Melee Shop" with 3 rows:"

Yeah, sorry. You need TusKe.

rose city STICKER


i code, animate, develop, UI design, learn, and adapt, as well as make servers, of course

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15 hours ago, rosathorn said:

Yeah, sorry. You need TusKe.

Thanks, it works perfectly!

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Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

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Question answered. Topic locked.

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