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Posted (edited)

Hi I want to finish my city game soon so I need help to make proximity chat with the "/calleveryone" command and the text right next to it to speak to everyone also another easy way to message someone is to /call {player} and you can stop chatting by /call end {player} and when someone calls you you can /call deny for denying it and /call accept for chatting with them easily

Edited by EmptyRooms_
  • 3 weeks later...

I would really just impliment msgs and uuids. A call skript is very simple but im not too of a profesional so i may not be able to help you out, but use msgs and uuids to solve that.



command /call [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:


       if player has permission “call.player”:

            send “&2You got called by %player% with the message: %arg 2%”

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