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can anyone make a script that makes the mob drops go directly in the players inventory


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on death:
	victim is not a player
	set {_drops::*} to drops
	clear drops
	give player {_drops::*}

This is not tested so not sure if it will 100% work but I got no errors when parsing it.


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Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


[VIP] - 7/27/2020

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11 hours ago, _Tarna_ said:

on death:
	victim is not a player
	set {_drops::*} to drops
	clear drops
	give player {_drops::*}

This is not tested so not sure if it will 100% work but I got no errors when parsing it.


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Please post in the right category next time when requesting a skript.

on death:
    victim is not a player
    set {_drops::*} to drops
    clear drops
    give attacker {_drops::*}

you need to change the "give player {_drops::*}" to "give attacker {_drops::*}" working good for me

hi!-im-minehut-manager!-here-is-a proof!-if-u-try-to-change-ur-minehut-account-name-to-other-name-with-"minehut"-it -ill-block-u,-so-im-the-real-manager! -yay! 



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