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Report System


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1 hour ago, Nitrogen said:

There you go!

command /report [<player>] [<text>]:
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&c/report <player>"
		if arg-1 is set:
			if arg-2 is not set:
				if {reportban.%player's uuid%} is not set:
					open chest with 1 row named "&c&lReporting: &5%arg-1%" to player
					wait 1 tick
					format slot 0 of player with bow named "&c&lCheating" with lore "&7Usage of unfair advantages!" to close then run [make player execute command "/report %arg-1% cheating"]
					format slot 1 of player with eye of ender named "&c&lSpamming" with lore "&7Flooding chat with spam!" to close then run [make player execute command "/report %arg-1% spam"]
					format slot 2 of player with diamond shovel named "&c&lOther" with lore "&7Other offence." to close then run [make player execute command "/report %arg-1% other"]
				if {reportban.%player's uuid%} is set:
					send "&cYou've been banned from using our reports system &7(This might be due to misusing it)"
		if arg-2 is "cheating":
			if {reportban.%player's uuid%} is not set:
				send "&7The player &c%arg-1% &7has been reported for &cCheating"
				loop all players:
					if loop-player has permission "reports.admin":
						send "&c&l[REPORT] &c%player% &7reported &c%arg-1% &7for &cCheating" to loop-player
			if {reportban.%player's uuid%} is set:
				send "&cYou cannot submit this report!"
		if arg-2 is "other":
			if {reportban.%player's uuid%} is not set:
				send "&7The player &c%arg-1% &7has been reported for &cOther"
				loop all players:
					if loop-player has permission "reports.admin":
						send "&c&l[REPORT] &c%player% &7reported &c%arg-1% &7for &cOther" to loop-player
			if {reportban.%player's uuid%} is set:
				send "&cYou cannot submit this report!"
		if arg-2 is "spam":
			if {reportban.%player's uuid%} is not set:
				send "&7The player &c%arg-1% &7has been reported for &cSpam"
				loop all players:
					if loop-player has permission "reports.admin":
						send "&c&l[REPORT] &c%player% &7reported &c%arg-1% &7for &cSpam" to loop-player
			if {reportban.%player's uuid%} is set:
				send "&cYou cannot submit this report!"
command /report-ban [<offline player>]:
	permission: reports.admin
	permission message: &cYou cannot preform this command!
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&cUsage: &c/report-ban <player>"
		if arg-1 is set:
			send "&7You've banned &c%arg-1% &7from submitting reports!"
			set {reportban.%arg-1's uuid%} to true
command /report-unban [<offline player>]:
	permission: reports.admin
	permission message: &cYou cannot preform this command!
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&cUsage: &c/report-unban <player>"
		if arg-1 is set:
			send "&7You've unbanned &c%arg-1% &7from submitting reports!"
			delete {reportban.%arg-1's uuid%}


arent tuske gui's unreliable as if you do /sk reload all or /sk reload scripts it'll break the skript and allow players to take the items out of the gui and keep them

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On 3/26/2021 at 2:02 PM, BlockNestMonster said:

I need help making a report system. I want it to have a GUI and a report ban (Bans someone from making reports)

Reply if you want to help or have one. Thanks.

on hack:
	cancel event





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