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loop-block-1 is not a world?


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im trying to find out how many mobs there are in 1 area, but its thinking that loop-block-1 is a world?

on spawn of a pig:
	loop all blocks in radius 4 around event-entity:
		if loop-block is spawner:
			cancel event
			set {_foundspawner} to true
			set {_spawnerloc} to location of loop-block-1
			loop all blocks in radius 3 of loop-block-1:
				if loop-block-2 is air:
					if block above loop-block-2 is air:
						add loop-block-2 to {_spawnmobloc::*}
			loop all entitys in radius 9 of loop-block-1:
				if loop-entity is not a player:
					add 1 to {_counter}
	if {_counter} is greater than or equal to 5:
		broadcast "&cToo many mobs in 1 area!"





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Are you just trying to stop mob from spawning if there is too many in that one area? Try using this. I got no errors with it but I haven't tested it so not sure if it works.

on spawn of pig:
  set {_size} to amount of entities in radius 5 around event-location where [input is not a player]
  if {_size} > 5:
    cancel event
    broadcast "&cToo many mobs in 1 area!"


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7 hours ago, _Tarna_ said:

Are you just trying to stop mob from spawning if there is too many in that one area? Try using this. I got no errors with it but I haven't tested it so not sure if it works.

on spawn of pig:
  set {_size} to amount of entities in radius 5 around event-location where [input is not a player]
  if {_size} > 5:
    cancel event
    broadcast "&cToo many mobs in 1 area!"


so umm...2021-03-26_21_08_37.thumb.png.b4b9a21e4b2d8de6a87faadd8b1d718e.pngHere my new skript:

on spawn of a pig:
	loop all blocks in radius 4 around event-entity:
		if loop-block is spawner:
			cancel event
			set {_foundspawner} to true
			set {_spawnerloc} to location of loop-block-1
			loop all blocks in radius 3 of loop-block-1:
				if loop-block-2 is air:
					if block above loop-block-2 is air:
						add loop-block-2 to {_spawnmobloc::*}
			set {_size} to amount of entities in radius 9 around loop-block-1 where [input is not a player]
			if {_size} > 5:
				broadcast "&cToo many mobs in 1 area!"

i only want it to spawn like 2 zombies not 200.

EDIT: I fixed it, i had to remove the "else:" Thanks @_Tarna_

Edited by AgentGamerPro




Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

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