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Jrmod application for skeppysss

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  • Minecraft Username:
  • Discord Name and ID (ex: Sh0ot#3984):
  • Timezone (ex: PST):
  • Age:
  • Playtime:

What experience do you have as a moderator?

Why do you want to be a moderator on Composter?

What sets you apart from other applications? Why should we choose you?

Have you every hacked before? (will not affect your chance)

Have you been banned on any servers? If so, for what reason?

Anything else we should know? (personality, hobbies, etc)

Minecraft username: skeppysss
Discord Name and ID: ACROMETIC#4260
Timezone: UTC+8 
Age: 16
Playtime: 5 hours, 13 minutes

What experience do you have as a moderator?
I have been a staff in elestra, boxpvpz, cropied and mobgens. These servers are very popular gens server among all the servers in minehut. My main job is too help on the problems that all the players meet and keep the server peace and provide a fair gaming experience for our players.
ELestra: A gens server which is new released. almost the same as composter as all the additional arena and the way to play is the same
boxpvpz: TOP MINEHUT SERVER. This is a mining server
Cropied: Very popular gens server. I have been playing for 1 months
Mobgens: also a gens server but with mobs and mobarena


Why do you want to be a moderator on Composter?
ANS: To be honest, I have been playing Minecraft for 2 years. Every server I played is so fun. But I always ask myself a question, How can I serve people and give out fun to them. why I could always play but not giving entertainment to other new players. I have been playing in Cropied.minehut.gg . But unfortunately, my loots are all gone. However, I choose to leave the server. After a few days, I find this server. I feel quite good about it because this is almost the same as that . Then i tell myself that this is my chance to be the staff of the server. Besides, the other reason for me to be staff in this server is because of a spirit. Most staff in many servers are also the same, serving people, help them solve the problem. that's all the same. but a staff encouraged me the reason to be a staff, that's helpful! Many people requesting for being staff is because they can have permission to get different things or achieve anything. But seems like, they have forgotten the reason to be a staff or helper. a helper or staff's responsibility is to help the server, make it more wonderful and attract more people. i have been participating in different events which is to help primary school students to adapt their primary school life. we help on teaching them English, solve all the problem they met in school. therefore, i consider myself having better leadership and patience to achieve the staff's responsibility.

                           Lastly, the main reason i want to join staff team is because i enjoy helping people and chatting with the players in this server. When i join this server once, i can see many people are chatting in the chat, some of them is funny, some of them is crazy and some of them is nice. i really appreciate it whether i feel so warm and glad after listening to their conversation. I am interested in it. Gens server is one of my lovely part in Minecraft. i did enjoy playing in the server.

What sets you apart from other applications? Why should we choose you?
Ans:  You should pick me because 
I have been a Moderator in many Gens server. Therefore, I have a great knowledge of what a gens server need and the most common question and problems the players will probably meet. I can help the server a lot. Besides, I have been participating different activities about taking care of the P1 students to help them to adapt their new school life. Through participating, I can train my patience and leadership by guiding them to finish tasks and homework. Moreover, patience and leadership are very useful and needed for a staff member. I consider that this kind of experience will not be experience on many candidates. That is why I think I am outstanding apart from other applications.

Have you every hacked before?
Ans: yes but not on any minehut server

Have you been banned on any servers? If so, for what reason?
Ans: yes i have been banned on my friends server, the reason is asking for some money.

Anything else we should know? (personality, hobbies, etc)
Ans: I really got a heart here. I can help the server so much and I will try my best to achieve your expectation and will not let you regret giving me the chance of being a helper. Thanks for your consideration, Have a good day!

Situational Questions

What would you do if you thought somebody was using criticals while in pvp, but couldn't tell for sure?

What would you do if you saw somebody flying or using speed hacks? 

What would you do if someone was botting the server?

What would you do if someone starts spamming personal information in chat?

What would you do if someone says something racist or homophobic in chat?

What would you do if somebody was threatening to hack the server?

How would you handle a situation where you are the only staff online and there's someone asking a question, someone else spamming chat, and matrix (anticheat) is going off?
( sorry for different word type coz i want to make it specific so show that this is situational questions's answers. Please don't mind about it.)

What would you do if you thought somebody was using criticals pvp, butwhile in couldn't tell for sure?
Ans: If I thought someone was using nofall I would open my recording apps and click record so I am recording if the player does have nofall or not. I would wait for that player to jump off of something. If they do take damage when they fall off of something then I will no longer suspect of them hacking. If they don't take fall damage I would punish them for the correct decision and ask Moderator for more advice and also make sure that I got enough evidence to punish him. 

What would you do if you saw somebody flying or using speed hacks? 
Ans: I would  get evidence of this hacker first  just in case they want to appeal and  saying they weren't hacking. Once I got evidence I would then ban them for the 7 days or 30 days

What would you do if someone was botting the server?
 If I had permission I would firstly mute the chat and assume  all the actual players that this is being dealt with, after I would ANNOUNCE that we are being botted. After that I am guessing banning the bots would be the best decision to continue, so I am banning all of the bots. I would then unmute the chat and everything goes back to normal.

What would you do if someone starts spamming personal information in chat?
   I will give him one warning first. If he ignores my warning, I will warn him again which is the second time. However, if he still do not stop, I will temp mute him for 15mins

What would you do if someone says something racist or homophobic in chat?
 This will be no offense, I will only give one warning first and goes to a correct amount of time that the players is going to be punished

How would you handle a situation where you are the only staff online and there's someone asking a question, someone else spamming chat, and matrix (anticheat) is going off?
o I will firstly solve the problems of the players spamming in the chat. Secondly, because of the anticheats goes off, there will be tones of hackers not be caught or punished. I will check logs and ask '' please do /report if you see any hackers''. Also, I will tell the owner about it and look into the problems of the anti cheats.Finally, I will deal with the problems of the player asking for question.

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