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My datapack isn't working



After following the video tutorial on how to add datapacks to my server I logged in trying to use Player Head Drops from Vanilla Tweaks. I checked the datapack list  and there was just Vanilla and Bukkit. I have tested multiple things and it is still yet to work. Please help.

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3 answers to this question

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10 minutes ago, HairyPenny said:

I'm new to server hosting so how can I see if a data pack is in the default world. I did try on a single player world and it did work.

In the appearance tab on the panel, there is a box that says "Level Name". That is where you set the default world of your server. Make sure that is also the name of the world with the datapack in it. 

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


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Make sure the world the datapack is in is the default world. If its part of an uploaded world it won't work. Also try uploading that same datapack to a singleplayer world to see if its an issue with the datapack. Cause not all datapacks work on 1.16.5. 

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


[VIP] - 7/27/2020

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