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Just lost a 6 month old world after the servers went down



Hi, me and a group have been playing on a world and have well over 3000+ hours spent on it. 

The servers went down today and when they came back up I was delighted to see that everything, the backups, world, and files where all deleted.

How do I get it back?

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Just now, sariandat said:

Hi, me and a group have been playing on a world and have well over 3000+ hours spent on it. 

The servers went down today and when they came back up I was delighted to see that everything, the backups, world, and files where all deleted.

How do I get it back?

I would atleast like to get the files of it and not just have all that work go to waste. 

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3 hours ago, sariandat said:

Hi, me and a group have been playing on a world and have well over 3000+ hours spent on it. 

The servers went down today and when they came back up I was delighted to see that everything, the backups, world, and files where all deleted.

How do I get it back?

DM Minehut Support on Twitter 



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Try doing /worlds. You may just be in different world from your stuff. Then either click on a world in the list or do /world <world> to teleport to it.

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


[VIP] - 7/27/2020

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