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Server stuck on either "Offline" or "Downloading" and file manager is empty except for plugins



EDIT: Nevermind - I just saw the tweet from @minehutsupport. I will just wait a couple hours and try again later. Thanks! image.png.f38a8b9890ffd92a03d7f32c984f9118.png



Is anyone else having problems starting up their servers today?  My server has been running great until this morning. For some reason today it keeps going in a loop where it tries to startup, then it says Offline. Then sometimes it will get stuck on Downloading for about 5 minutes. Then it goes back into hibernation mode. And I have to restart the process again. Sometimes when I do this my file manager is empty except for the plugins folder. Then after being stuck on downloading for a while, my files will come back but the server still won't start up.

Any suggestions? I've already tried removing most of my plugins. The only ones I have left are EssentialsX and mcMMO. I've attached logs from before I removed the plugins. This latest restart cycle wiped my file manager so I can't get to the logs anymore... 😞 




Edited by aprilmyriad
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