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How do I add a gui to my skript


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    {freeze.maincolor} = "&c"
    {freeze.seccolor} = "&c"
    {freeze.errorcolor} = "&c"
    {freeze.%player%.value} = false

on any movement:
    cancel the event
    set {_checktime} to now
    subtract 2 seconds from {_checktime}
    {freeze.%player%.lastused} is less than {_checktime}
    message "%{freeze.errorcolor}%You are frozen and cannot move"
    set {freeze.%player%.lastused} to now

on command:
    cancel the event
    message "%{freeze.errorcolor}%You are frozen and cannot execute commands"

command /freeze [<player>]:
        set {_prefix} to "&8&l[&4&lAnySMP&8&l] "
        arg 1 is not set:
            message "%{freeze.errorcolor}%Wrong syntax! Usage: /freeze <player>"
        {freeze.%arg 1%.value} is not set:
            set {freeze.%arg 1%.value} to false
        player is arg 1:
            player does not have permission "freeze.freeze":
                message "%{freeze.errorcolor}%You don't have permission to do that"
            message "%{freeze.errorcolor}%You can't freeze yourself"
        not {freeze.%arg 1%.value}:
            player does not have permission "freeze.freeze":
                message "%{freeze.errorcolor}%You don't have permission to do that"
            set {freeze.%arg 1%.value} to true
            set {_templastused} to now
            subtract 1 hour from {_templastused}
            set {freeze.%arg 1%.lastused} to {_templastused}
            message "%{_prefix}%&cYou froze %{freeze.seccolor}%%arg 1%"
            message "                                             " to arg 1
            message "%{_prefix}%&c&lYou are being screenshared. If you disconnected you will automatically be banned. You have 5 minutes to join the discord or you will be banned for refusal to screenshare. After joining the discord, join the Waiting room voice chat. &4&l&n<link:https://discord.gg/y8cZSBjK9p>CLICK HERE<reset> &c&lto join the screensharing discord." to arg 1
            message "                                             " to arg 1
        player does not have permission "freeze.unfreeze":
            message "%{freeze.errorcolor}%You don't have permission to do that"
        set {freeze.%arg 1%.value} to false
        set {_templastused} to now
        subtract 1 hour from {_templastused}
        set {freeze.%arg 1%.lastused} to {_templastused}
        message "%{_prefix}%&cYou unfroze %{freeze.seccolor}%%arg 1%"
        message "%{_prefix}%&cYou have been unfrozen by %{freeze.seccolor}%%player%" to arg 1

How do I make it so after you enter /freeze it freezes the player and puts a gui on there screen and they cant exit out of it and move any of the items in the gui? something like this: https://imgur.com/2Zyv86Y (if you don't know how to add the gui can you give me improvements to add to the skript?)

Edited by SnakyExotic
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There are many ways to make guis with Skript. If you don't want to use any addons, you can use vanilla skript to make one. Here is a tutorial on how to make guis with vanilla skript (https://forums.skunity.com/threads/vanilla-guis.8939/). If you have an addon called TuSKe, you can also use that. Here is a tutorial on how to use TuSKe guis, which may be more complex (https://skripthub.net/tutorials/3). There are some other addons you can use too but these are just 2. 

Also the on any movement event can sometimes cause lag if there are a lot of players online moving cause it triggers even if someone moves their mouse an inch. So you could just try using a while loop. In the while loop see if there location changes, and if so, just teleport them back to their original location. 

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