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Hello you guys, so i was setting up my minehut server and wanted to get buycraft/tebex onto my server, but i dont know how to get it onto the server, i have to pick either:

"download bungeecord plugin", "download bukkit (pre 1.13) plugin", "download bukkit (post 1.13) plugin", "download forge (post 1.13)" or "download sponge plugin"! what one do i choose?!

and how do i download it and get it onto the server? please help and thank you beforehand ❤️ PS The server name is at the moment named "FarStar" so /join FarStar

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Post your server advertisements in Servers

and this is meant to go in Community Support.


Click Bukkit download, Minehut runs servers on Bukkit.

To download it, Go to the dashboard and click "Plugins", Search "Buycraft" and click it then click Install.


im bacc

i cant stop doing the chika dance


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Hmm, it does not work for me, would you mind if we could have a talk on discord and you could try to help me thru voice, that sometimes makes it much easier! if yes add me on discord: Asger#3644

hope you accept 🙂

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