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Can a *developer* give us an update/announcement about the rollbacks since it's been 10 days since they started?



So far I hear people saying, "the developers are working on it", but that seems to be an assumption. There has been no announcement about the rollbacks, and the developers themselves don't seem to have acknowledged the problem at all. Other people are speaking for them.

Meanwhile, for about ten days now, people have lost hours of progress because they didn't know there was a rollback issue - because, again, there was no announcement. Ten days in, I feel that this is pretty neglectful. A lot of lost progress could have been avoided if people knew there were rollbacks happening.

On top of that, /save-all has been reported by many to not work. And on top of that, downloads don't work for larger worlds either, so we can't save progress that way. In other words, Minehut servers are basically unplayable for ten days now. For a lot of people who can't risk seeing their friends outside of quarantine at the moment, this is pretty disappointing, but what's more disappointing is that the developers don't want to acknowledge that it's happening.

I'm asking first for an official announcement and acknowledgement that rollbacks are happening, to prevent more people from losing progress, and second for word from an actual developer - not someone speaking for the developers - about what's going on on their end. Thank you.

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Take a look at this message from an Admin on our Meta Github Repository:


"Significant progress has been made into this issue. Major pain-points in the save process have been identified and solutions are being worked on. The core of the issue is saves sometimes take too long to happen or fail for whatever reason, and eventually time-out.

We have identified performance issues with our storage system. We are currently working with the devs of that system to help us tune it better for our load/make performance improvements to the program itself. We are rolling out updates to that program, and also changing the format of the disk the data is saved to to a format that is better tailored to our load. This is currently being rolled out, but is unfortunately just a long process that will take some time. On top of that, just generally rolling out more hardware to take on the extra load.

Also on the other side, we are re-doing the save process itself to be more reliable and faster. That is currently in late dev/testing phases and should be rolled out soon.

This issue is our top-priority right now and is being tirelessly worked on."

Edited by Migins

Support  July 29, 2020 → November 3, 2020

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 I might not always respond to forum dms, however I am always contactable on discord (mig#0069)

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