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Works fine for me.

command backpack <text=small> <player=%player%>:
	permission: admin.bp
	permission message: &cInsufficient permissions!
	usage: &c/backpack <small/medium/large> [player]
		if arg-1 isn't "small", "medium" or "large":
			send "&c/backpack <small/medium/large> [player]"
		give arg-2 1st element of (chest named "&fSmall Backpack", chest named "&fMedium Backpack" and chest named "&fLarge Backpack" where [name of input in lowercase contains arg-1]) with lore "%(size of {backpack::%player's uuid%::*} ? 0) + 1%" and player's uuid
		send "&aGave you a %arg-1 in lowercase% &abackpack!"

on place of chest:
	cancel event if player's tool's name ends with " Backpack"

on right click holding chest:
	stop if player's tool's name doesn't end with " Backpack"
	stop if line 2 of player's tool's lore isn't player's uuid
	cancel event
	set metadata value "bp" of player to line 1 of player's tool's lore
	set {_size} to (1 if player's tool's name starts with "&fSmall ", else 3) if player's tool's name doesn't start with "&fLarge "
	set {_} to chest inventory with ({_size} ? 6) rows named player's tool's name
	loop {backpack::%player's uuid%::%line 1 of player's tool's lore%::*}:
		set slot loop-index parsed as int of {_} to loop-value
	open {_} to player

on inventory close:
	stop if metadata value "bp" of player isn't set
	set {_} to metadata value "bp" of player
	set {backpack::%player's uuid%::%{_}%::*} to all items in event-inventory
	delete metadata value "bp" of player


VIP since January 7th, 2020

Support since September 19th, 2020

Helper since November 3rd, 2020

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