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PermissionsEx not working



I have my permission set up for a specific group like this:

    - essentials.warps
    - essentials.warp
    - spawn
    - essentials.sethome.multiple
    - essentials.delhome
    - essentials.home
    - essentials.sethome
    - essentials.tpacancel
    - essentials.tpdeny
    - essentials.tpaccept
    - essentials.tpa
    - essentials.kits.starter
    - essentials.kits
    - essentials.help
    - modifyworld.*

Everything seems to be working except for the kits, tpa, and warp stuff. I have reset the config and then retyped all the perms and that didn't work. Any tips on how to fix this problem would be appreciated! Thanks!

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4 answers to this question

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You might have did the thing in the file wrong. Cause isn't there something that should tell you what group you are added the perms too? Just try resetting the file and add the perms through the command instead of the file. 

Discord - tarna256

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6 minutes ago, Danth said:

It is there I just didn't copy that part into the thread. I did this with the commands and it still isn't working.

I don't really use PEX much so not used to it. Try deleting PEX and the Pex folder in the plugins folder. Restart the server. Then get the plugin again and restart the server. The things you added to the file may have messed up some formatting. Or you can just try using luckperms instead if you want.


Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


[VIP] - 7/27/2020

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