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SKRIPT Custom recipes not working correctly.



command /recipesload:
		if player is op:
			wipe crafting recipes for any apple
			send "Recipes Loaded!" to player
			register new shaped recipe for an apple of unbreaking 1 with lore "&fHarnesses the power of Enderman teleportation. Use with an Elytra." named "&6Launching Apple" using ender pearl, air, ender pearl, air, apple, air, ender pearl, air, ender pearl
			register new shaped recipe for an apple of unbreaking 1 with lore "&fGives you a sugar high, making you faster." named "&6Speed Apple" using sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, apple, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar
			register new shaped recipe for an apple of unbreaking 1 with lore "&fUses Feathers to make you lighter." named "&6Jump Apple" using feather, feather, feather, feather, apple, feather, feather, feather, feathe

With Skript, I'm making a mechanic where you can craft different types of potion effect apples.

Earlier, I accidentally made a recipe that made a Jump Boost Apple from 9 feathers. (It should be 8 feathers surrounding 1 apple)

It crafts both ways, but I want the 9 feathers recipe to be gone, but

wipe crafting recipes for any apple

isn't working.

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If you want help with your skript, I suggest trying to get help in the Skript Catergory (https://forums.minehut.com/forum/18-discussion/) of the forums or in the skript channel in discord. 

Discord - swirs#0069

In-game name - swiirs


[VIP] - July 1st 2020

Support - 9/6/20 | 11/3/20

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Joined Minehut Mid-late 2015


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