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Need help with Skript teleport


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So I wanted to make a skript code that makes it so that if you step at a certain coordinate (15, 4, 63) it would teleport you to 137, 10, -10. 

The block that was at 15, 4, 63 was a gold block. In addition, I wanted the player to be holding a trip wire hook enchanted protection 1 in order for them to be teleported. 

So here was the code I wrote

on step on gold block:
    if player's location is {15, 4, 63}:
    player is holding a Tripwire Hook of protection 1 
    teleport the player to {9, 3, 63}

It didn't work, and I didnt expect it to but even after tinkering and searching through forums, I couldn't create a solution.

Please note that this is my first MineHut server and I am fairly new to Skript (I only made a few skripts). Help would be appreciated!

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Thats now how locations work. Use this location function. https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=2120

Discord - tarna256

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