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Oh god come make another dupe server


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Skript for the command /dupe:

command /dupe:
    give player player's held item
    if player's held item is air:
      message "&cYou cannot duplicate air, silly!"

Random Item Generator Skript with toggle command:

  {%player%.random} = true

every 15 seconds:
  loop all players:
    if {%loop-player%.random} = true:
      give loop-player a random element of all items

command /itemstoggle:
    if {%player%.random} = true:
      set {%player%.random} to false
      message "&7You have disabled the random item generator, to re-enable do &c/itemstoggle &7again."
      set {%player%.random} to true
      message "&7You have enabled the random item generator, to disable do &c/itemstoggle &7again."

Feel free to change the commands, colours timing etc, these are very easy Scripts but this is for anyone who wants to make a dupe server in 5 nanoseconds and somehow become a popular server 😮

just copy the text's into .sk files in the skript file section and bing bong you have a duping server

cause its minehut and people like non-quality content for some reason, people eat this shit up like hotcakes 

Edited by Arh


                                                                     Joined Minehut Dec 2014 / Jan 2015

[LEGEND] iiAiden Lost Access)            
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You should't use variables like this {%player%.random}

Its better to use variables like {random::%player%} or even {random::%player's uuid%}

With list variables, you can loop them to clear them and other stuff. Just a suggestion. 

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

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4 minutes ago, _Tarna_ said:

You should't use variables like this {%player%.random}

Its better to use variables like {random::%player%} or even {random::%player's uuid%}

With list variables, you can loop them to clear them and other stuff. Just a suggestion. 

Okay, will do next time, thanks for the tip 🙂


                                                                     Joined Minehut Dec 2014 / Jan 2015

[LEGEND] iiAiden Lost Access)            
                                                                                        [VIP] Alfoe
                                                                                        [VIP] AttendantFox

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15 hours ago, POG_Skull said:

Hi, mine says "dupe.sk isnt in scripts folder" thats my file name, how do I fix this I used both scripts

Make sure its in plugins > skript > scripts


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Discord - tarna256

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Website - https://tarna.dev
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[VIP] - 7/27/2020

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