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Prison Sell Script


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I need a plugin that allows me to sell mined things for my prison server such as Stone,Coal/Coal block,Iron ingot/IronBlock,Gold ingot/Gold block, Lapis,Lapis Block,Redstone/Redstone block, diamond/diamondblock,Emerald/emerald block and obsidian

I want it to look like &7You sold &6500 &7Items for &6$1,000,000&7,with a x1.0 Multiplier

The items being anything it doesnt matter what they have as long as its within the list they can instant sell it.

1.1 dollars per stone

11 dollars per coal

99 dollars per coal block

22 per iron ingot

198 per iron block

55 per gold ingot

495 per gold block

110 per lapis

990 per lapis block

192.50 per red stone

1.65k per red stone block 

330 per diamond

2.48k per diamond block

550 per emerald

3.3k per emerald block

5.5k per Obsidian

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seems complicated

Graphic Designer - Skript Developer - Professional Builder - Content Creator

Been on Minehut since January 2018. Throughout my time here I've mastered the skills you see above. I make free logos, banners, and server art for users on Minehut. I'm a proficient Skript developer. I'm also really good at building, you can see my portfolio by clicking here. Feel free to say hi if you see me somewhere 🙂

Amethyst Studios Discord

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