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DavyTheZebra staff application

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Personal Questions -
 • Minecraft Username: DavyTheZebra
 • Are you multilingual? Yes, I speak Dutch and English
 • Discord Username: davy6461 #6787
 • Age: 16
 • Timezone: GMT (Belgium)

Application Questions -
 • Why do you want to apply for a staff on Lift?

I think I would be a great asset to the staff team since I have some experience, I also see allot of hackers/cheaters on lift when staff is not online, like people using killaura to hit multiple mobs at once.

 • How much time can you contribute to being a staff member on Lift?

I can contribute 3-6h in the weekend/vacation and I can contribute 2-4h during weekdays sometimes even more

 • Have you been staff on any servers?

Yes, I was a staff member on multiple servers but never on 2 at once because I don’t want to overload myself. I was staff on GoldFarms (30+ Players For 2 weeks then the server got discontinued) FraggleCraft (not on minehut 70+ Players For about 2 years before the server died out)

 • How much experience do you have as a staff member?

I have quite allot of experience as a staff member since I owned a server (GoldFarms) and was staff on a prison/survival server (FraggleCraft Rank: Sr.Mod). I was never accused of false bans since I always had solid evidence.

• Are you currently staff on any other servers?

No, I’m not

 • Have you broken any rules on the Lift Discord or Minecaft server?

I haven’t broken any rules

Situation Questions -
 • You banned someone for hacking, the community is outraged. How would you deal with the outrage?

I would first ask everyone to calm down, then I would show them my recorded evidence unedited. And if that won’t work I would try to get the hacker to admit he was hacking in private dm’s and take a screenshot of the dm.

 • Explain a situation where you might have to act mature and professional while being staff on Lift.

1.     If someone is arguing with another player and they start calling eachother Racist/Discriminating things in public chat then I would firstly warn them and ask them to stop and if they don’t stop I would mute them for 30 min if after the 30 min they still say racist/discriminating I would mute them for 6h

2.     If someone wants a refund of their purchase on the store and they start demanding it (while spamming chat) I would Tell them that refunds are not possible. And if they keep going I would warn them for chat spamming, if they ignore the warning I would mute them for 30 min




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After reviewing your application, I have come to the decision to decline your application.
The reasoning behind this is lack of detail and a lack of proper grammar.

Feel free to apply again in one week time.

Joined in 2016,
VIP since 8th January 2018.

Contact me on discord ItzOP#2020


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