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Application format

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Colored Application format

Please copy the format, and paste it into a new thread. Please note that if you do not follow the requirements or rules provided below, you will not be allowed on the team. Thanks for understanding!



    - 15+ Years old
    - 1 hour of playtime
    - Active in game and in the discord


    - Do not ask a staff member to read your application
    - Do not lie in any category
    - If your application has been previously denied in the past week, you may not apply




1 - Basic Information -

    • Minecraft Username:

    • Previous Minecraft Usernames [Use NameMC.com]:

    • Age:

    • Country of Residence: 

    • Timezone:

    • Do you have access to our Discord server? [https://discord.gg/CUBJV8M]:

    • Discord Username [EX: BreakfastDeliqht#0801]:

    • Do you have a working microphone?:

    • How much time can you contribute to the role?:

    • Do you have any past staff experience? If so, explain in detail what you've done:

    • What is your current playtime on the server? [Check in statistics in your ESC menu]:

    • Have you ever been banned or punished on the server?:

    • Any other information we need to know about you?:

2 - Scenarios -

    • Suppose that someone is spamming racial slurs in the chat. What would you do?:

    • Suppose that someone were to be flying around and using kill aura. People are yelling at you in chat to do something about it. What do you do?:

    • Suppose that someone were to be advertising in chat. What would be your first response?:






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