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The Chronicles of Trevor


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Once upon a midnight dreary, as I spit this weak and weary, I will tell the tale of a man whose eyes began to get teary. 

Death, darkness, and despair: the only emotions that were felt by Trevor as he stepped over the cold remains of a city that once was. It existed in the before time, a time free of sorrow, troubles, and destruction. As he walked along the shattered pavement, he listened and heard nothing but the rumble of the machine. That terrible machine.... He must not let it take him, not again. Trevor's grandfather wouldn't be able to get along without him. He continued onto the store after that dreadful thought, not considering the fact that he was right behind him in a trench coat. Nothing would matter anyway if Trevor didn't make it back to the Resistance Headquarters so he increased his speed to a light jog. He still followed and made sure to keep up the pace. Trevor ran, he ran with the speed of a cheetah. He ran for his life! Unfortunately that was not enough. Trevor collapsed on top of a box of old pots and pans and his vision faded to black. All he saw when he woke up was a chair and 2 buttons. One magenta and one orange. As he admired the colors, a man in an orange suit walked in. The figure introduced himself as Chadsworth Bradley, CEO of Introversion Innovations, the same company that took over the wasteland 15 years ago. He offered Trevor to come join the company, to abandon the revolution and make money doing so. All he had to do was press the orange button. Trevor knew that by doing this, he would be able to care for his grandfather for sure, but all he stood for would be gone. He decided that this would be for the best and asked Chad where to sign. Chad handed him the documents and Trevor was going to sign them until a 10 man team burst through the door. Chad was immediately pinned down while Trevor remained as he was. The one who appeared to be the leader spoke and only said 5 words, "Trevor, you can't quit the revolution." Then Trevor fainted from pure excitement. Once again, he woke up, however this time he appeared to be inside of a metallic cage. He spotted 3 people in the cage with him: Chad, he who chased him, and a man he didn't recognize. They informed him that not only were they inside a cage but the cage was inside the machine. The words being uttered seemed to make the walls close in but that couldn't be..... no no no, he must be hallucinating. Trevor came to the conclusion that he was just being paranoid, however his feelings soon changed once he glanced upon the faces of the others. They seemed just as alarmed as he. The shock shook Trevor so much, that he passed out, however this time he would not wake up as he was. The change had only begun.

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