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My Problem with Minehut


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I've been playing Minehut since summer of 2016, and its probably given me some of the most memorable and cherished memories of my life. I've met so many awesome and interesting people that I still talk to this day. However, as time goes on, especially with the introduction of Super League as our new overlords, it has occurred to me that almost every single one of my 2016-2017 friends have left Minehut because of, you guessed it, Super League.

I personally have no vendetta against Super league, and believe they have implemented many elements to minehut that have improved it greatly, and they are becoming more responsible with the platform as the player count rises exponentially. However, even with my (for the most part) support of super league, it still pains me to see the direction they are heading towards for the future, a direction that not only hurts their long time players, but their company in return. Here is the main point I would like to go over as to how I feel about our current situation.

Toxicity and Swearing

Minehut had a quite troubling swearing issue under Luuke's administration. However, with Super League's takeover of minehut, toxicity has become a rare occurrence in the lobbies (for what I have seen). However, with Minehut's most recent changes to their rules, I have started to see that Super League is more interested in a kid friendly experience on both minecraft and discord, completely outing the opinions of their long time players and supporters.

For those of you who were around in 2016, you probably know the incredible leniency seen by Luuke's administration when it came to swearing and toxicity. While I don't have a problem with weeding out toxicity, swearing is where I experience the biggest dilemma I am currently facing. With all of these older individuals from 2016 being over 16, most of these people are (for the most part) mature enough to understand that swearing doesn't automatically mean toxic, including the majority of the staff members. I also believe, that Luuke understood that idea as well, and was the reason why he was lenient about swearing, yet still tried to crack down on toxicity in the lobby chat. However, now adays, you will get muted for the smallest thing. Me and several others have been muted (without warning) for saying swear words that were censored anyway by the anti-swear plugin (within the last 6 months). I understand a mute going to a person if they are bashing somebody in chat, but a 6 hour mute going to somebody who said the word "retarded" no referring to another individual is a bit overkill. 

My point is that its frustrating to get another message on discord of a person saying they are done with minehut, and its even more frusterating to look on my friends list a year later ad find out they haven't joined since. Everytime I look at my friends list and remember being told that "minehut is garbage" and "super league doesn't care about their players", gives me more and more of an urge just to quit the platform.

This is the dilemma i face, because I play on a platform that is no longer a community, but a company. As far as i've seen, Super league has shown me and many other community members that they have no interest in the opinions of their long time players, and are instead focused on "more players" because of minehut's age demographic of 10 years old. As the months go by, and more and more of my long time friends are leaving minehut for good to seek new communities to play with, I have stuck by minehut because i believe that one day, Super League will realize how damaging these swearing rules really are, and hopefully they will soon realize that these long time players are the ones who will stay with and support minehut if it were to ever die.

I really don't want to leave the community i have been a part of for almost 4 years, but its getting harder and harder every month.


Ps. Why does minehut enforce an E for Everybody rules list on discord, a platform that only allows ages 13+. Are they afraid of getting sued? For anybody under the age of 13, no person in their right mind would ever win a court case because their child was exposed to swearing on a minecraft server. If anything, discord could terminate minehut's discord channel entirely if Minehut openly admitted to catering for a below 13 audience (See discord terms and services)

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