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	permission: gamble.use
	permission message: &4You do not have access to this command.
	usage: Usage: /gamble <amount>
	chance: 50%
	pay out: 2 #The number the original number gets multiplied by if they win (Ex. If you gamble $10 and win, you get $20)

command /gamble <number>:
	permission: {@permission}
	permission message: {@permission message}
	usage: {@usage}
		if player's balance is less than arg-1:
			message "&cYou do not have enough money to gamble this amount!"
			remove arg-1 from player's balance
			message "&eBetting $&e%arg-1%&e..."
			wait 3 seconds
			set {_gambled} to arg-1
			set {_out} to ({_gambled}*{@pay out})
			chance of {_chance}:
				send title "&a&lYou won!" with subtitle "&aYou won &a%{_out}%&a!" to player
				add {_out} to player's balance
				send title "&c&lYou lost!" with subtitle "&cYou did not win &c%{_out}%&c!"


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4 hours ago, izzzzthewiz said:

options: permission: gamble.use permission message: &4You do not have access to this command. usage: Usage: /gamble <amount> chance: 50% pay out: 2 #The number the original number gets multiplied by if they win (Ex. If you gamble $10 and win, you get $20) command /gamble <number>: permission: {@permission} permission message: {@permission message} usage: {@usage} trigger: if player's balance is less than arg-1: message "&cYou do not have enough money to gamble this amount!" else: remove arg-1 from player's balance message "&eBetting $&e%arg-1%&e..." wait 3 seconds set {_gambled} to arg-1 set {_out} to ({_gambled}*{@pay out}) chance of {_chance}: send title "&a&lYou won!" with subtitle "&aYou won &a%{_out}%&a!" to player add {_out} to player's balance else: send title "&c&lYou lost!" with subtitle "&cYou did not win &c%{_out}%&c!

So it always fails, i never win, can you fix this please?




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Sorry, I messed something up xD

	permission: gamble.use
	permission message: &4You do not have access to this command.
	usage: Usage: /gamble <amount>
	chance: 50%
	pay out: 2 #The number the original number gets multiplied by if they win (Ex. If you gamble $10 and win, you get $20)

command /gamble <number>:
	permission: {@permission}
	permission message: {@permission message}
	usage: {@usage}
		if player's balance is less than arg-1:
			message "&cYou do not have enough money to gamble this amount!"
			remove arg-1 from player's balance
			message "&eBetting $&e%arg-1%&e..."
			wait 3 seconds
			set {_gambled} to arg-1
			set {_out} to ({_gambled}*{@pay out})
			chance of {@chance}:
				send title "&a&lYou won!" with subtitle "&aYou won $&a%{_out}%&a!" to player
				add {_out} to player's balance
				send title "&c&lYou lost!" with subtitle "&cYou did not win $&c%{_out}%&c!"

I tested it and it works

» IGN: _iZ_ «

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» [<3]: 5/8/2021 «

» Skript dev «

» Discord: iZz#0420 «

I have diabetes

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