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Applications are now open!

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On 3/1/2020 at 3:50 PM, BennyDoesStuff said:

Ready to apply? Click "New Topic" in the Applications category or click here to start your application! Make sure you copied the format posted in the staff application format post linked above and followed all the guidelines and requirements.

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  • Administrator
29 minutes ago, Redexro_YT said:

i want to apply but idk how to


It's very simple, you simply copy the format located, here and you paste the format in a new post under the applications section, here. Keep in mind applications do close tomorrow, March 15 2020 by the end of the day. However, don't rush your application just to get it in in time, if you don't think you'll be done by the end of day tomorrow, simply wait until next time.

Customer Support | Community Engagement Manager

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First Name:Michael

Minecraft Username:MutantNuggets78


Timezone:new York

Discord Tag (eg. MutantNuggets#6608)

Are you multilingual? (fluent)

What made you want to apply for a staff position here How fun it is to play on thus server

How much time can you contribute to being online and available 5 hours max

Have you been staff on any server inside or outside of Minehut? (I did Commands)

Are you currently staff on any servers outside of Minehut? (I am a Great Command coder)

Have you broken any rules on Minehut or other servers in the past? (No)

You were just informed by a player that their Minehut server isn’t starting up. What should you ask them first or tell them? Is the server Online? If it is do a Reset

Name a time when you disagreed with something someone said or did? What agreement did you two come to and how did you get there? (If you didn’t come to an agreement, why didn’t you?)

You’ve found yourself in a situation that you’re not familiar with and you’re not sure what to do, how do you handle this Tell a Admin.

You noticed a staff member being biased towards/against certain players. What would you do Tell Owner

Would you rather prioritize sending well-written responses or replying in a short amount of time and why well written reponses

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