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Posts posted by Lapzzo

  1. Next time, remember to refresh, or leave and come back to the website when you get errors like this. If it doesnt work come back later, minehut might be working on  website updates, and may of closed the website while they update the web

  2. 4 hours ago, Voyd said:

    Hey I just wanted to update whoever sees this, so, nothing has changed, and my server is still stuck in hibernation, its a real shame since my friends and I put 100s of hours into it. I still cannot access the dashboard for the server, and I am wondering what is the best course of action for me.

    I can relate. I spent nearly 2 months on 2 servers that just wont get out of hibernation...

    I recommend contacting minehut staff, as they have helped people with similar problems in the past.

  3. 4 hours ago, CoolProgrammer said:
        apply night vision without particles to player for 10 days

    I think you made a mistake.


    on join:
        apply <potioneffect> without particles to player for 20 days #Change 20 days to however long you wish.

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