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Posts posted by Lapzzo

  1. options:
    	nopermission: &cInsufficient permission.
    	line: &8&m---&r
    command /setwarp [<text>]:
    	permission: command.setwarp
    	permission message: {@nopermission}
    		if arg 1 is not set:
    			message "{@line} &6SetWarp {@line}"
    			message "&6/setwarp &7<warp>"
    		if arg 1 is set:
    			if {serverinfo::warps::*} contains "%arg 1%":
    				message "&6Warps &8» &7That warp already exists"
    			add "%arg 1%" to {serverinfo::warps::*}
    			set {serverinfo::warplocations::%arg 1%} to location of player
    			message "&6Warps &8» &7You added warp &6%arg 1% &7with location &7&o%location of player%"
    command /delwarp [<text>]:
    	permission: command.delwarp
    	permission message: {@nopermission}
    		if arg 1 is not set:
    			message "{@line} &6DelWarp {@line}"
    			message "&6/delwarp &7<warp>"
    		if arg 1 is set:
    			if {serverinfo::warps::*} does not contain "%arg 1%":
    				message "&6Warps &8» &7That warp does not exist"
    			remove "%arg 1%" from {serverinfo::warps::*}
    			delete {serverinfo::warplocations::%arg 1%}
    			message "&6Warps &8» &7You deleted warp &6%arg 1%"
    command /warp [<text>]:
    		if arg 1 is not set:
    			message "{@line} &6Warps {@line}"
    			if {serverinfo::warps::*} is not set:
    				message "&6Warps &8» &7There are not warps yet"
    			loop {serverinfo::warps::*}:
    				message "&7&l• &e%loop-value%"
    		if arg 1 is set:
    			if {serverinfo::warps::*} does not contain "%arg 1%":
    				message "&6Warps &8» &7That warp does not exist"
    			teleport player to {serverinfo::warplocations::%arg 1%}
    			message "&6Warps &8» &7Warping to &6%arg 1%"


    • Like 1
  2. uDemolish bug report formatting

    See a suspicious player, or see a game changing bug? Report it in the report category, following the formats below, so they can get dealt with. 

    Player Report format:

    Use this format when reporting a suspicious player


    Player Report

    Your IGN > 

    Suspects IGN > 

    What you think they did wrong > 

    Photo/video proof > 

    Additional information > 

    Bug Report Format:

    Use this format when reporting a bug that might ruin the server


    Bug Report

    Your IGN >

    What the bug is >

    How its triggered/used >

    Addition information >

    Please not fake/prank reports will get you kicked from this club and banned from uDemolish

  3. options:
    	discord-link: https://discord.gg/sAA7kMNuaV
    	prefix: &7[&dDiscord&7] &8| &f
       	link-text: &6&lCLICK HERE &f
    	suffix: to join the discord.
    command /discord:
    		send "{@prefix}<link:{@discord-link}>{@link-text}<reset>{@suffix}" to player

    You mixed up spaces and tabs, so this wont work. I fixed it for you, here


    30 minutes ago, afaffffa said:

    I need a skript so when you kill a player it adds to the attackers (the one who won the fight) variable. I want it to add 1 to the variable {%player%.kills}

    on death:
        if attacker is player:
            add 1 to {%attacker%.kills}


  5. You can only ad in the lobbys, and if you want to tell your players ad messages, dont do it in the lobbies or someone elses server, only in yours. If you do it in other servers you will get muted for server advertising and self promoting

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