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Status Updates posted by ButterflyBullets

  1. Does anybody know how to blacklist items from other plugins using a /dupe command? Im currently using a /dupe command and slimefun but idk how to blacklist some slimefun items for /dupe, does anybody know what I can do to prevent people from duping certain items?

    1. Pastawithalfredo


      command / dupe: trigger: if player's tool is diamond or iron or emerald or gold or iron or netherite: send "&c[ERROR] You cannot dupe this item." to player else: give player player's tool send "&4&lYou just duped &6&l%player's tool%" This should work try it... 



  2. bruh wth

    1. ButterflyBullets


      @Th3LavaB3astsave your reactions, give em to other people lol

  3. Im Rank Regular now lets gooooooooo

  4. u know skript right? and ik skript right? so, we should work on sum together

  5. currently workin on a big project with @Patsteaks123... 👀 

  6. ive reached 100 messages, 🤯 crabravvvvvvvvee

  7. “At first I felt dizzy - not with the kind of dizziness that makes the body reel but the kind that's like a dead emptiness in the brain, an instinctive awareness of the void.”

    ― Fernando Pessoa

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